
1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 “Isac, Jew at Schwerzen” (U1) was the patriarch of the third Weil clan in 1657 [R2086]. He and his descendants dealt mainly with cattle and horses. By 1673 he was paying for protection in Endermettingen [R4294] and is mentioned for the last time in 1681 [R58]. He had three sons: Judele (U1.1), Veit (U1.2), and Marum (U1.3). Judele (U1.1) was under protection from 1677 until 1710, first in Endermettingen like his father [R4406] and from 1686 on in Untereggingen [R1409]. In 1684 he was involved in his brother Veit’s (U1.2) cattle rustling [R1356] and was fined. Judele in turn had three sons: Mayer (U1.1.1), Joseph (U1.1.2), and Schmule (U1.1.3). These three men are likely the source for the Gailingen legend that Jews from Untereggingen eventually moved there.16 Veit was never under protection in Stüh­lin­gen. He lived a tentative existence in Hofwiese [R4742], Ofteringen [R1311], and apparently Donaueschingen [R1356]. He was frequently fined, sued, and involved in physical altercations [R4744]. After stealing horses, Veit was finally evicted from Stühlingen and moved to Lengnau.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 The fourth branch of the Weil clan began with Model (F1.1) in 1673 [R4365], when he first came under protection in Stühlingen. He married the daughter of Marum, son of Jekhuff (G1.3) [R4913]. Model was a native of Tiengen, the son of yet another Marum Weyl:

Marum Weyl protected Jew here [Tiengen] has died in Zurzach, where he had escaped because of the war during past Lent. His widow took her dowry and then some out of the estate, and the rest was inherited by the children and grandchildren out of two marriages, namely Koschelin’s children, a third, Jonele in Ofteringen, Model in Stühlingen, Lampöetli in Stühlingen, Schmule and Ephraim in Tiengen. They offered their sister in Metz 100 taler, arguing that the property was small.17

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 Model was only moderately successful as a businessman, but he was respected by his peers and served as Parnas in 1691 [R962]. He seemed to be sought after to represent other Jews [R4921] in complex business deals; but he also seemed involved in just about any brawl that occurred [R4736]. Model had three sons: Jonas (F1.1.1), Mausche (F1.1.3), married to Elckel, daughter of Aberham (Z12) [R691], and Jacob (F1.1.2). Jonas was under protection from 1699 to 1716 when he moved away without a forwarding address [R544]. He must have been married with his own household. Only one cattle transaction and one claim are listed for him. Mausche was partially under protection during the same period. He was jailed in 1703 for being behind in paying his taxes [R3717], and he too left Stühlingen for an unknown destination by 1717 [R542]. Jacob is mentioned only four times. In 1703 he was fined for beating his brother Mausche’s (Moyses) wife with a key [R3725]. In 1704 he moved away after a fight with Sandel’s son Marum (S1.2.1) [R3753].

16Rosenthal, “Heimatgeschichte der badischen Juden,” 75.

17GLA, 224/216, “Erhebung des Abzugs von Verlassenschaften von verstorbenen Juden,” December 26, 1678.

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Source: https://www.stuehlingen.online/Book/?page_id=1905