
Abstracted from 61/12655: Proceedings of Stühlingen district, 1611-1621.

1612-11-19Phol, his son Herzel, Götschel, Leman, Cosst, Joel Marum´s son-in-law, Maierlin and his father Joel, as well as Hans Prugger and his wife, were fined a total amount of 192 florins, or 27 pounds each, for their nightly quarrels. The fine is to be paid within four weeks ecxcept that anyone of them can prove his innocence.

The following identified Jews are mentioned in this record:

Common NameFormal Name
Götschel(Eljakim (Götschel) I)
Maierlin(Meir (Mayerle) ben Jacob, Bloch)
Cosst(Kasriel (Cost) Patriarch, Weyl)
Leman(Judah (Leman), Weyl - Patriarch)
Phol(Raphael (Phol) ben Isac, Bickert Patriarch)

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