Identified Man

Tree Jacob (Jekuff) Patriarch, Gugenheimb is mentioned 223 times between 1613 and 1667. He died around 1648. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'G1'.

Jekuff was the patriarch of the Gugenheimb family. He appeared in Stühlingen after 1610, possibly as refugee from the Fettmilch uprising in Frankfurt..

1613-10-01Jacob Jew of Stühlingen against Hans Müller of Schwerzen, the third day (of not appearing).
1613-10-29Jacob Jew of Stühlingen is to begin his complaint in this matter from anew.
1613-11-12Jacob Jew of Stühlingen claims 50 fl. from Kleinhans Wegeli of Öschingen.
1613-12-10Jacob Jew of Stühlingen sues Hans Müller of Schwerzen, is the third day, thus outlawry.
1614-01-20Upon a complaint of Jew Jacob, it was decided that the decision of the superior court (Landgericht) is to be fulfilled at the next session of the parliament (Landtag).
1614-01-27Jacob Jew, claim of 21 florins.
1614-03-04Jacob Jew of Stühlingen applies for a confiscation title against Hans Müller of Schwerzen.
1614-04-08Jacob Jew of Stühlingen sues Hans Müller of Schwerzen for payment of 48 fl. Debtor offers payment by his cattle after a mutual account was made, which the sheriff of Schwerzen is ordered to make. With a remark by Müller, "hab ime wohl 6 Jahr daran geben", in which the 6 may have been altered or added up.
1614-04-17Jacob Jew Marum´s son-in-law pays 25 florins to the Count for permission to (hard to understand, probably to live here in a rented house and undertake financial business).
1614-04-22Jacob Jew of Stühlingen claims 38 fl. from Hans Müller in Schwerzen.
1614-05-26Hans Heinrich Hertz is to pay the rest of a debt to Jacob Jew.
1614-05-26Jacob Jew is required to pay the tailor.
1615-01-16Jäckhuff Jew sues the widow of Heini Meyer for the payment of debts.
1615-02-16Thewus Thoma promises to pay a debt of 72 florins to Jackhuff Jew.
1615-02-16Jäckhuff, more claims.
1615-04-01Phal, Mayerle, Lema, Sandel, Jeckhle, Hirtzle, Casten, Jekuf,
1617-02-27Peter Müller is required to undertake a transport to Schaffhausen as fine for beating Jew Eli. Ulrich Berger is ordered to pay Jew Sannel. Hans Jacob Herz is ordered to pay Jacob Jew.
1618-01-16Jacob Jew of Stühlingen sues Hans Graw of Geislingen for payment of 40 fl.
1618-06-19Jacob Jew of Stühlingen sues Hans Reckemann of Geislingen for payment of 50 fl.
1618-06-19Jacob is to wait as any other creditors, or acquire debtor´s entire property and pay the other debts.
1618-07-12Thebus Ulmann of Endermettingen is allowed to redeem the retirement support for his step-mother which he has sold to Jecoff Jew.
1618-12-30Phol Jew claims 91 florins and grain worth 6 florins, Sannel claims 40 fl., Jägle his brother 21 fl. and grain worth 6 fl., Jecoff Jew 27 fl.
1619-04-17Jecoff Jew is allowed to serve wine as the other Jews and is to deliver a Catholic bible in reverse.
1619-06-15Jecoff and Meierle Jews are shown the way in behalf of a questionable claim.
1619-11-13Ludwig Wolfensperger of Schaffhausen is fined for harsh words towards Jecoff Jew.
1619-12-05Mauschi and Nathan Jews, servants of Jecoff and Sanvell, are find for brawl.
1619-12-30Hans Schelblin of Lempach promises to pay Jecoff Jew and sets a field as a pawn.
1620-01-28Jacob Jew of Stühlingen sues Andereas Stoll of Erzingen for payment of 30 fl.
1620-03-12Claims to Bläsi Stadler: Jacoff Jew 47 florins, Phol Jew 73 florins, Sannl Jew 10 florins.
1620-03-12Jecoff Jew buys a claim of 120 florins for 100 florins.
1620-03-12Martin Meier acknowledges a claim of 50 florins to Jecoff Jew.
1620-06-16Jacob Jew of Stühlingen presents a sealed document for a claim of 50 fl. against the heirs of the official (dis Stabhalterischen Erben).
1620-08-26The servant of Jew Jeckhuff in Stühlingen presents a document and inquires about the status of the matter against Hans Reckhenman and Hans Mülhaubt.
1620-11-05Jacoff, claim of 30 florins.
1621-01-12Jecoff is charged with fraud at a horse trade (a long matter).
1621-01-12The servant of Jew Jeckhuff of Stühlingen against Hans Reckhenmann, files a document and refers to a decision which was made in Rheinau on the bridge.
1621-03-06Jecoff loans out 19 and 23 florins.
1621-03-09Decision in the matter of the servent of Jew Jacob in Stühlingen against Andreas and Dieterich Stoll and Caspar Zimmermann of Erzingen.
1621-03-23The servant of Jew Jeckhuff of Stühlingen asks for a decision in the matter against Hans Reckhenmann of Geislingen as warrantor of late administrator Hans Meyer. The court answers that a decision has been issued to the Jew whereas he may confiscate the pawn. He may come back if such pawn is not sufficient.
1621-04-17Georg Hoz promises to pay 36 florins to Jew Jecoff.
1621-04-17Sebastian Schreiber, sheriff of Horheim, has called Jew Jecoff a lyer, and Jecoff has called the sheriff a thief.
1621-06-16Izig of Hürben, Abraham of Ichenhausen, Jacob and Seckhel of Neuburg are fined 50 florins each for (exchange and fraud?) of coins. The following Jews were fined for (exchange?): Jecoff 20 florins, Meierle 10 florins (which are to be subtracted from a claim of his father), Phol 30 florins, Hörzle 10 florins (these two amounts are to be subtracted from the same claim). Leman and Cost are fined together 30 florins, Jögle and Samuel together 40 florins.
1623-02-13Jäckhoff in Stühlingen has received payment.
1623-03-13Jecoff Jew, horse and grain trade matter.
1623-04-03Hürzel and Jeckhoff the Jews sue two man for verbal injuiries (partially antisemitic).
1624-01-22Jecoff, claim.
1624-02-03Lemann, Jecoff, Sannel and Meierle are fined for throwing in the windows, breaking the drinking glasses, and other wantonness at the circumcisison of (apparently a son of) Jägli Jew.
1624-02-19Jecoff Jew, agreement.
1624-03-04Jecoff claims 250 fl. and will be paid by a cow worth 20 fl. and by annual installments.
1624-04-15Isaac Jew Phol´s son is fined for not appearing at court. Michel Prugger is fined for not appearing at court upon request of Hürzel and Jägle Jews.125 The heirs of Georg Widmer are to pay theirs debts to Hürzel 190 fl. Sannel 400 fl. Jecoff 37 fl. Jägle 40 fl.
1624-06-17Isacc Jew is sued for payment of 54 Reichstaler. Jecoff will obtain 300 florins. Cost and Oschwaldt Wentzinger are fined for mutual injuries and attacks.
1625-12-16Jecoff Jew, agreement about payment.
1626-06-15Jacoff Jude erhält 25 Malter 4 Viertel Kernen (Dinkel) zur Ablösung "der Spaurische Pfandt".
1626-06-15Jecoff Jude erhält 20 Malter Hafer "wegen Spourischen Pfendt".
1628-01-24Mortgages issued by Schachmann, Jeggle, Jecuff. Jacoff sells a garden in Weizen. The Peter Basler creditors sell his real estate for 320 florins. Hirtzl had complained to become the owner before. Jonle Jew buys a field for 32 fl. in behalf of the Jews Sanel and Leman. Judel Jew of Ofteringen claims payment. Hürtzle applies to write some persons (with a list of names) into outlawry (Acht, but in this context, it means a stage of the procedure against a debtor). With an agreement by every one about the method of payment. Leman Jew, same for some debtors who did not pay. Jacoff Jew, same for a series of debtors. Schachman Jew applies to confiscate the property of Caspar Schalch. Judele of Ofteringen applies to write some creditors into outlawry (Acht). Jäggle Jew, horse trade matter.
1628-02-24Veltin Kayser sues the Jewish treasurer (Seckhelmeister) for payment of 27 florins for work on the school. Jecoff and Jäggle Jews do not want to contribute as they have not placed an order and say that those who called plaintiff are to pay. Kayser may file a claim if the Jews are not willing to pay.
1628-03-02Jacoff Jew deposits two pieces of cattle with Jacob Seeger.
1628-03-09Jacoff Jew.
1628-05-15Two cases with Jew Jecoff.
1628-11-16Jecoff Jew is sued after a horse trade.
1628-12-28The count offers Jacoff Jew 30 fl. for a lost horse.
1629-01-09Agreement between four parties, including Jacoff.
1629-01-25Jacob Widmer called Spatz of Schwaningen owes Jäcoff Jew 139 fl. Leman Jew 84 fl. and 34 fl. Jägle Jew his son 34 fl. Jägle Jew Marumb´s son 59 fl. Sannel Jew 140 fl.
1629-01-25Jacoff is sued after a horse trade.
1629-02-01Claims to Hanns Rebmann called Gussi: Jäggle Jew 134 fl. Hürtzle Jew 60 fl. Meierle Jew 8 fl. Jecoff Jew 8 fl. Cost 1 fl. Isaac 4 fl. + 3 fl. The heirs of Sannel Jew 15 fl. Judele Jew of Ofteringen 30 fl. + 5 fl.
1629-02-08Jacoff Jew, agreement.
1629-02-15Heinrich Müller sells Jew Jacoff his claim to the estate of late Tauschjagle.
1629-02-22The Jews Meierle, Jäggle, Sannel´s heirs, Kipha, Jäcoff, and Hürtzel have claims to Hanns Hegelin.
1629-03-08Jacoff, claim.
1629-03-08Claims by the Jews Schachman, Sannel´s heirs, Jacoff, and Jägle to Caspar Schalck of Weizen.
1629-03-21Mention of Jews Hürtzle, Jacoff, Leman Jew´s son, Schachman, Judele of Ofteringen, Daniel, Costmann, Meierle of Ofteringen.
1629-04-18Mention of Cost, Jacoff, Leman (sale of a house in Eberfingen to David), Jäggle, Meierle (buys a house in an auction), David, Schachman, Meierle of Ofteringen, Judele, Judele Mauschi Sohn, Judele of Ofteringen.
1629-04-19Claims by Jeggle Jew Leman´s son, Sannel, and Jäggle, and in a subsequent list Jeggle, Hürtzle, Judtele, Meierle, Sannel´s heirs, Jäcoff, and Isacc.
1629-05-16With mention of Cost, Jacoff, Hürtzle (buys a house and garden and sells his father´s house and garden and a meadow), Eli (questionable debt, with mention of Sannel), Judele, Judele of Ofteringen.
1629-06-21Jacoff Jew, claim.
1629-11-08Among the creditors of Simon Rübelmann of Mauchen are Sannel Jew´s widow 5 fl. Jäcoff Jew 45 fl. Jäggle Jew 4 fl. Schwartz Judel Jew of Ofteringen 2 fl.
1629-11-15Jacoff intends to prove that Hanns Schönauer is to pay him.
1630-01-10Jacoff sues Adam Jäger of Lempach for payment
1630-02-20With mention of Jacoff and Leman.
1630-04-11Jacoff Jew issues a receipt.
1630-04-17With mention of Schachman, Meierle, Leman Jew´s son Leman (sic, probably in error), Schmol of Ofteringen, Leman, Jacoff, Schachmann, Hürtzle, Joseph servant of Sannel´s widow, Jäggle, Jacoff, Schmol.
1630-05-29With mention of Jäggle (loan of 1621), Meierle, Schachman, Joseph the servant of Sannel´s widow, Jacoff.
1630-07-18It is herewith recorded that Jacoff Jew of Stühlingen has in 1629 purchased a claim from Jew Mordigi of Klingnau.
1630-08-29Jacoff is fined for brawl.
1630-10-23With mention of Schachman, Meierle, Sannel´s widow, Hürtzle, Jacoff and Jäggle Jews (they claim payment from a common debtor).
1630-12-11Jacoff Jew will be paid soon.
1631-01-16Daniel Hol of Mauchen is to pay 172 florins to Jecof Jew upon an account of 06.12.1627.
1631-01-30Jacob Jew gives a debtor more time and files a claim.
1631-02-12With mention of Hürtzle, Sannel´s widow, Leman, Jacoff, Meierle, Jäggle, Judele, Judele of Ofteringen.
1631-02-15Jecoff and Schmol Jews, father and son, sue Michael Brugger for verbal injuries, menaces and brawl after a questionable meat trade. Brugger is fined 27 pounds, mainly because he was not willing to have the matter be decided by the court.
1631-03-12With mention of Jacoff, Hürtzle, Schachman, Judele representing Meierle, Jäggle, Leman, Sannel´s widow.
1631-03-27Claims to Georg Schäfler of Obereggingen: Judele Jew of Ofteringen 10 fl. Jägle Jew in Stühlingen 3 fl. Jäcoff Jew 5 fl.
1631-04-09With mention of Judele of Ofteringen, Hürtzle, Meierle, Jacoff, Isaac, Eli, Jäggle, Judele representing Meyerle of Ofteringen, Schachman, Leman, Jecoff.
1631-04-10Jecoff Jew, mutual claims (hard to read).
1631-04-14Jacoff Jew, claim and agreement.
1631-04-14Jacoff Jew, another claim.
1631-05-22Jacoff Jew is to be paid.
1631-08-14Jecoff Jew buys a claim.
1631-09-25Claims to Jeger Caspar: Jeggle and Sannel 30 fl. Jacoff 3 fl.
1631-10-02Creditors of Matheis Widmann. Hirtzle 101 + 5 fl. Leman 60 + 6 fl. Jecoff 100 + 5 + 5 + 89 fl. Sannel´s widow 80 + 8 + 7 fl. Jeggle 28 fl. Schmol 20 fl.
1631-11-18With mention of Leman (sells half a small house with a garden), From of Ofteringen (in hehalf of Fahl Jew), Hürtzle, Judele of Ofteringen, Jäggle, Jacoff.
1631-12-01With mention of Jacoff, Judele, Jäckle representing Sannel´s widow, Hürtzle, Schachman, Jäggle.
1631-12-05Debts of Daniel Hotz: Jacoff Jew 56 fl. Meierle Jew 200 fl. plus interest Sannel and Jeggle Jews 18 fl. Hürtzle Jew 12 fl.
1632-01-15Jacoff and Schmol Jews, father and son, had a quarrel with Michel Beugger, after a meat sale, which turned into a brawl. A long case with the interrogation of witnesses.
1632-01-15Jacoff sues a man for payment.
1632-01-29Jecoff buys a garden for 100 fl. at the condition that seller is unable to pay back his debts.
1632-01-29Jecoff is to be paid 11 fl. and 60 fl.
1632-01-29Jacoff takes a garden and a field for 73 fl. as partial payment of a claim of 105 fl.
1632-02-05Jecoff Jew is to erase a paid claim from his books.
1632-02-05Jacoff Jew is sentenced to erase a paid claim from his books.Bis hierher 30.10.2013. Weiter 31.10.2013:
1632-02-05Jacoff denies to have received payment, but is to delete the claim in his books. Some more claims of Jacoff.
1632-02-12Interrogation of witnesses about a questionable payment to Jew Jecoff.
1632-02-12Mutual account between Jew Jecoff and Ulrich Widmer of Schwaningen.
1632-02-12Mutual account between Jacoff Jew and Ulrich Widmer of Schwaningen.
1632-02-16Jecoff and Schmol Jews are fined 4 florins, with reference to the proceedings of 15.01.16..
1632-02-16Jacoff and Schmol Jews are fined for starting a quarrel with Michel Beugger, as was described at the court session of 15.01.1632.
1632-02-19Jecoff Jew is sued for payment for a horse.
1632-02-19Hanns Hylpart and Jacoff Jew, mutual payments after a horse deal.
1632-03-10With mention of Schachman, Jacoff, Sannel´s widow, Meierle of Ofteringen, Jaudele of Ofteringen (also representing his brother From), Meierle, Schachman, Jacoff, Joseph Jew Sannel´s servant, From of Ofteringen.
1632-03-11Calculation of a claim by Jacoff.
1632-03-15This Brugger sues M(era??) the widow of Sannel Jew for payment of 19 Batzen or issue of the pawn. Jecoff Jew as assistant of Sannel´s widow refers to several deliveries in the course of time and says they just want to pay what is in their books.
1632-04-29Adam Jäger of Lempach owes Jacoff Jew 162 fl.
1632-08-21Complaint by Jecoff Jew after a horse trade (hard to read).
1632-12-01With mention of Jecoff (away from the country), Schmol representing his father Jacoff or Jecoff, Jäggle, Sannel´s widow, Schachman, Maierle, Judele Jud Mauschi Sohn, Schmul, Hirtzle.
1633-02-16With mention of Schachman, Meierle (wants to buy a house), Judele Moschai Sohn of Ofteringen, Jäggle, the servant of Sanel Jew´s widow Jew Jecoff´s son representing his father, Sanel´s widow, Jäggle, Hürtzle (sells a house with two gardens).
1633-04-25Among the creditors of miller Michael Alparth of Schleitheim are: Schmol Jew for himself and who is to report such to his father/cousin Jacoff (der solches sein Vater/ Vetter Jacoff berichten soll) Jeggle, Hürtzle and Schachman for themselves. They agree to postpone their claims for two years.
1634-02-09Jacoff Jew may keep a cow and a calf but is to make some payments.
1634-02-10Description of the debts of Johannes Pfeiffer. Meierle about 200 fl. Schachman about 120 fl. Jecoff Jew 58 fl. Schmol Jew 12 fl. The heirs of Hürzle Jew 9 fl. Eli(?) Jew Meierle´s son 27 fl. With a long negotiation about Schachman´s claim.
1634-02-23The claims by Jew Jacoff to Hanns Widmer called Bausch in Wangen are described.
1634-02-23Jacoff Jew must not pay anything to miller Jacob Widmer right now.
1634-02-23Jacoff Jew, qarrels after a horse trade.
1634-03-02Jacoff Jew sues a man for payment.
1634-06-09Meierle, Schmol, Jecoff (same?).
1634-06-15Schirm- und Satzgeld: Jecoff, 15 fl
1634-06-19Schmul son of Jecoff Jew offers 100 florins for some property of the town in Prestenegg.
1634-10-12Claims against Felix Nüsslin of Lempach: Jacoff Jew 120 fl. Schachmann Jew 5 fl. + 8 fl. Hürtzel´s heirs 200 fl. Jeggle Jew 13 fl. Leman Jew 20 fl.
1635-01-31Jecoff is sued to revert a field which he already has sold further.
1635-01-31Hanns Hoffackher Jung claims payment of 7 fl. for merchandize which he has delivered for the Jewish school (so er an Waren zu der Juden Schul hergeben) and asks to order Jacoff and Jeggle Jews as the former stewarts (Baumeister, probably not in the sense of architects) to pay. Defendants get a month delay to collect the shares of the amount from the community members.
1635-01-31The town sells Jecoff Jew and his son Schmol the entire farm (of Scholderlin) for 640 fl.
1635-01-31Caspar Eisenegger declares that Jacoff Jew has said all his deliveries to the Prestenegger (said debtor) would not be worth a cent. The Jew denies such sayings. Eisenegger wants to make proof.
1635-06-24Ausgaben für bezahlte Zinsen und Schulden: 169 fl. an Jecoff Jude.
1635-07-01Jekoff, Schmule (1636 W), Meierle, Hürtzle, Leman, Isaac, Cost, Kyphe, Eli, Schachman, Jeggle, Samuel W., Marum
1636-02-12Marum son of Jeggle Jew buys (what?) six feet long and five feet wide (with mention of a baking oven, the object of the sale is not evidently described).
1636-02-12Said Jew sells this house to Marum Jeggle´s son for the same price.
1636-02-12Schachmann, Jecoff and Sannel the Jews must not buy a field in Mauchen.
1636-02-21Upon request of Schachman, Jecof, and Sannel Jews (hard to understand).
1636-02-22Marum Jacoffs Sohn is sued for (carrying sheaves away??).
1636-04-16Meierle and Seeligmann are sued in a cow trade matter. With a deposition of Jecoff under a Jewish oath, and of Isaac.
1636-04-24Hürtzle´s successor (Nachfahr, the word meant the subsequent husband of the widow at that time) Jecoff Jew is allowed to live here under protection for two years (with a description of the fees).
1636-06-27Jecoff sues a warrantor for payment.
1636-06-27Jecoff has a mortgage/claim of 175 fl. inscribed. The widow of Judele in Ofteringen, represented by this Jäcoff, has one of 132 fl. inscribed. Jäcoff claims about 150 fl. from Heinrich Schaub of Eberfingen.
1636-06-27Jecoff applies for acknowledgement of debts of 54, 136, 111, 280, about 600 and 38 fl. With the statements of the debtors and the response of Jecoff.
1636-06-27Jecoff sues Martin Riengger for payment of an agreed installment.
1637-01-21Jecoff Jew sues several persons for payment.
1637-01-21Jecoff claims payment.
1637-01-22Jecoff claims payment of 56 fl.
1637-02-18Daniel Stritt, sheriff in Grafenhausen, is fined for offending Jew Jecoff.
1637-02-26Jerg Rebmann owes 121 florins to Jacoff Jew.
1637-03-05Jacoff Jew claims 68 florins from Jacob Aichkern of Wangen and others who just cannot pay.
1637-03-05Jacoff claims 142 florins from Thoni Aichkern, brother of Jacob.
1637-03-05Jacob, representing his son Schmol Jew, claims 111 florins from Thoni Aichkern or rather from his warrant Jacob Aichkern who admits to be liable, but cannot pay.
1637-03-05Jacoff Jew claims 119 florins from Jacob Fischer in Weizen, who makes a down payment of 19 florins to Jacoff´s son.
1637-03-12Simon Baßler proposes to convey Jacoff Jew the house which he has set as a pawn. Jacoff accepts this but says if it is not sufficient, he will also seize other assets of debtor.
1637-03-19Jecoff Jew sells Heinrich Dieterich, innkeeper in Eberfingen, a long garden with a vegetable garden and farmstead for 120 fl.
1637-03-20Jecoff Jew wants to ask his son Marum who is not at home.
1637-03-20The following foreign Jews are to leave the town: Joseph Jecoff´s servant, the Red, Meierlin´s brother and Sandel´s successor (Nachfahr).
1637-03-30Sale of lands to Schachman (79 fl.), Marum (32 fl.), Jecoff (45 fl.), Schmul´s heirs (80 fl.), Sannel (12 fl.)
1637-03-30Jecoff, mutual account after a horse trade.
1637-03-30Jecoff Jew sues Ulrich Marber of Schwaningen (a long matter).
1637-05-19Jacoff Jew buys a claim of 398 florins for 325 florins.
1637-06-10Jacoff Jew sues Jacob Aichkern, saying he has broken his (Jacoff´s) brother´s son an arm while wrestling two years ago. Aichkern says the Jew has first offended him and then started the brawl.
1637-08-20Same matter. Jecoff sues Hanns Hotz in Mauchen after a horse trade. They make up a mutual account whereas Hotz owes him 108 florins. Jacoff´s son was involved in this matter.
1637-10-15Jacoff Jew sues Simon Basler for payment of 112 fl. and Hanns Sigi of Schwaningen for payment of 116 f.
1637-11-12Daniel Hotz is to submit the mutual account with Jew Jacoff.
1637-11-12Jecoff is to pay 20 fl.
1637-11-19Jacoff claims 83 fl.
1637-11-19Meierle claims 9 fl. after a horse deal. Miscellaneous entrie about Jeggle, Jecoff, and Meierle are omitted from here onwards.
1640-03-15Jecoff Jude, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl.
1640-03-15Jecoff , Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl.
1640-03-15Holzverkauf an Schachmann Juden und Jecoff Juden.
1640-07-01Jakoff Hürzles Nachfahr und sein Weib, Jekoff, Schmol W., Meierle, Isaac, Cost, Lemann, Schachmann, Jeggle,Sannels W., Marum, Eli. Kypha
1640-11-08Claims of Meierle and Jacoff.61/12660: Proceedings of Stühlingen district, 1646-1647. in the Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe; 30.08.2013
1641-03-26Jacoff, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1644-02-11Description of debts at a farm change: 80 fl. to Jecoff, 5 fl. to Schachman.
1644-06-08Among the creditors of tailor Georg Preiser of Wangen are Jecoff, Xandel´s widow, Marum.
1645-04-11Jecoff, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1645-07-01Jekoff Hürtzles Nachfuhr, Jakoff, Schmol, Meierle, Isaac, Jeggle, Cost, Leman, Schachmann, Marum, Sannels W., Eli, Kypha
1646-11-22Jekhoff claims 65 fl.
1646-11-22Jecoff is ordered to make accounts with all his debtors in Stühlingen County.
1646-12-13Jeckhoff claims 141 fl. and 140 fl.
1646-12-19Claim by Jecoff Jew.
1647-01-17Claim by Judelle as powerholder of Jeckhoff.
1647-01-17Jeckhoff claims 220 fl.
1647-03-07Claims by Jeckhoff Jew and Jäggle Jew against the same debtor.
1647-04-04Jacob Platner of Wangen owes the heirs of Jecoff Jew, represented by Marum one of the sons, assisted by Judele, 34 fl. upon the proceedings of 30.10.1642 plus interest, and several other amounts of money, which at the end makes 181 florins.
1647-04-04Debts by Jacob Aichkern to the heirs of Jecoff.
1648-04-15Creditors of the estate of Balis Kienler are Jäggle Jew, Sandel Jew, Jeckhoff´s heirs.
1648-11-19Georg Gintert of Obermettingen is to deliver grain to the heirs of Jeckhoff.
1650-04-28Heinrich Irmell is to pay the heirs of Jeckhoff. Marum claims 4 fl. from said Irmell in behalf of his (Irmell´s) late father for a piece of leather.
1650-05-19Marum Jew representing his brother-in-law Lemble signs a receipt and files a claim. Said Marum Jew, representing his father Jecoff, claims Conrad Ulrich Marmer for payment upon a court decision of 19.11.1637.
1650-08-18Jacob Seeger admits a debts to Jew Jeckoff and his son Marum dated 17.01.1647 of 70 florins and 36 florins interest. The Jew says he was a child at that time, and requires a formal court decision.
1651-01-01Protection fee, paid by the Jews on Easter 1651 (15 fl. each): Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Marum`s son-in-law. Mayerle. Menckhen. Lehmann Hirzlin`s son. Schmuli Hirzlin`s son. Seeligman Schmuli`s son. Jäggle. All together 120 fl. Lehmann Jew, who had been living in "Coblitz" before, is to pay 2 fl. protection fee for being here for some weeks. Ißac Jew is to pay 191 fl. extant protection fee. Jäggle Jew owed 40 fl. penalty and Jeckhoff`s heirs owed 40 fl. such and did not deliver any down payment this time. Totel amount of protection fee collected in this fiscal year: 384 fl. 34 Kreuzer.
1651-11-20Among the creditors of Jacob Seger are Jecoff´s heirs as of 17.01.1647 (the sames as?) Marum Jew Marum´s brother Jonas Seligman Judele who all have received payments and claim some more amounts, and Lämle just with a claim.
1651-11-27Sheriff Jacob Gintert of Obermettingen owes several amounts to Jeckhoff Jew according to an account of 16.01.1645 and to his son Marum for a foal sold in 1638.
1652-01-15Marum and Lehmann Jews, claim. Jeckhoff´s heirs claim 780 fl. Claim of Jonas to a warrantor.
1652-02-15Jerg Hoz and his step mother claim the return of a Plaw Zug from the heirs of Jeckhoff which was handed over as a pawn 16 years ago. Jonas Jew Jeckhoff´s son replies for himself and his brother Marumb that they do not know about this matter but want to look up their books and will also discuss it with their other brother in Lenglau.
1652-02-26Hanns Reebmann of Mauchen makes mutual accounts with the heirs of Jecoff for events since 1637 and with the heirs of Schmul.
1652-04-23An Ostern 1652 zahlen je 15 fl. Satzgeld: Marum Juden Jeckhen Sohn. Jonas Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn. Marum Juden Tochtermännle. Mayerle. Menckhen. Lehmann Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Schmuli Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Seligman Juden Schmulins Sohn. Jäggle Jude. Isac schuldet laut Rechnung von 1649 noch 191 fl. Schutzgeld, woran er nichts bezahlt hat. Ebenso zahlte Jäggle nichts an 40 fl. Strafe und Jeckhoffen Erben nichts an 40 fl. Strafe.
1652-05-23Among the creditors of Michel Eberlin of Schwaningen are Jeckhoff´s heirs, Schmul´s heirs (both since 1637), Schaahli´s heirs, Lemelin (since 1633), and Jägglin.
1652-12-11The heirs of Jeckhoff and Jew Schmul were paid 434 fl.
1653-02-22Claims by Menckhen, by Marum in behalf of the heirs of Jeckhoff, and by Jäggle, Kipha (absent), and Lehemann.
1653-03-06Lemble of Tiengen claims 138 fl. in behalf of the Jew Jeckhoff heirs.
1654-04-17Mutual accounts with Jacob Jew of Preylingen* in behalf of Schach Jew´s heirs, and Marumb Jew Tochtermändlin in behalf of a claim originating from the widow of Sandel. * Maybe Bräunlingen but no Jews are known to have lived in this town.593 30.04.1654 Jonas Jew represents all the heirs of Jeckhoff.
1655-04-08Creditors of Hans Obser´s estate: The heirs of Jew Schachman, the heirs of Jew Sandel, Jaggle Jew, the heirs of Jeckhoff Jew, the heirs of Mayerle Jew, the heirs of Fahl Jew, the heirs of Leheman Jew Old.701 Debtors of this estate: Jäggle Jew, the heirs of Schachman, the heirs of Sandel, Lehemann Jew Old, the heirs of Jeckhoff Jew, the heirs of Mayerle Jew, the heirs of Fahl Jew.
1655-11-03Georg Würth at Untereggingen owes money to the heirs of Jecoff Jew and to Josephle Jew Jeckhoff´s son. Previous payments have been made through Jews Judle and Jonas (etc.). Marum Jew, representing the heirs, agrees to turn the debt into a mortgage.
1656-05-12Jonas Jew representing the heirs of Jeckhoff Jew signs a receipt to Hanns Sigin´s widow, as does Marum Jew Jeckhoff´s son.
1657-05-16In this context, a claim of 110 fl. by Jew Jeckhoff is mentioned, less 100 fl. penalty due.
1657-11-22Marumb and Jonelle Jews Jeckhoff´s sons and heirs, ledger. The following participate in the claim: The heirs of Schmul Jew (22 fl.), Marumb Jew, Jonas Jew, and the heirs of Josephle Jew (38 fl. each).
1658-11-14Marum Jew, claims. Lemblin at Tiengen, claim of a debt originating from Jecoph Jew.
1664-02-07Appear Marum Jew Jeckhoff´s son, Karmele (sic), Seeligmann, Jonas, and Lämblin all Jews of Stühlingen and Tiengen, respectively, as the heirs of late Jew Jäckhoff in Stühlingen, and declare that a debt to their grandfather and father-in-law Jäckhoff, respectively, has been paid.
1665-02-20A claim of 93 florins by the heirs of Jäckhoff Jew is to be shared among the four (sic) heirs, namely Marum Jew, Jonas Jew, Joseph Jew of Lenglau, and Schmuli´s two sons by the name Seeligmann and Kallmele, which two only have one share in common. (A long matter with some more claims on the subsequent pages).
1665-06-05Calculation of a claim of the Jeckoff heirs, namely Marum Jew in Stühlingen, Jonas Jew in Stühlingen, Joseph Jew in Lenglau and Selligmänlin and Khelmel (the latter ones claim one share in common).
1667-03-31Adam Fridlin of Eberfingen owes Marum and Jonas, brothers, Jäckhoff´s sons, 300 florins. The debt is transferred to his brother Joseph Fridlin.

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