Identified Man

Tree Naphtali (Hürtzli ben Raphael, Bickert is mentioned 101 times between 1616 and 1674. He died around 1633. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'B1.2.1'. His father was Raphael (Phol) ben Isac, Bickert Patriarch.

Naphtali (Hirsch) Patriarch was on the original letter of protection. He died around 1633. His wife remarried a `Jekuff` and lived in Eberfingen. Hürtzli was under protection from 1615 until 1634 [R368; 06.15.1634] , the year he died [R2877; 09.07.1634]. His two orphaned sons Leheman and Schmuli received protection in 1658 [R4324; 04.17.1658]. .

1616-10-24Krämer Gladte is fined for beating Jew Hürzel.
1618-05-04Hürzel sells a claim of 30 florins for 24 florins to the dominion which uses 14 florins for his own protection fee and 10 florins for the protection fee of his step-brother Jeslin Jew.
1619-10-07Hürzel Jew, questionable horse deal.
1620-07-09Hürzle, horse trade.
1621-06-16Izig of Hürben, Abraham of Ichenhausen, Jacob and Seckhel of Neuburg are fined 50 florins each for (exchange and fraud?) of coins. The following Jews were fined for (exchange?): Jecoff 20 florins, Meierle 10 florins (which are to be subtracted from a claim of his father), Phol 30 florins, Hörzle 10 florins (these two amounts are to be subtracted from the same claim). Leman and Cost are fined together 30 florins, Jögle and Samuel together 40 florins.
1622-03-30Meierle is ordered to make a mutual account with Herz.
1623-02-13Inserted paper with penalties, including such from Cost Jew, Meyerlin Jew, his son-in-law by the name Schachman, Hirtzlin Jew, Jäcclin Jew the small one (der Klain) and his brother Sandell.
1623-04-03Hürzel and Jeckhoff the Jews sue two man for verbal injuiries (partially antisemitic).
1624-04-15Isaac Jew Phol´s son is fined for not appearing at court. Michel Prugger is fined for not appearing at court upon request of Hürzel and Jägle Jews.125 The heirs of Georg Widmer are to pay theirs debts to Hürzel 190 fl. Sannel 400 fl. Jecoff 37 fl. Jägle 40 fl.
1624-05-04Jägle Jew, claim. Hürzel Jew, debt.
1624-05-21Hürzel Jew, agreement.
1624-06-08Hürtzel, claim.
1624-07-15Hanns Pfister and Hürzle Jew have beaten each others bloody.
1624-12-02Hürtzle Jew is to be paid.
1624-12-07Hürtzle Jew is fined for unproven accuses.
1628-01-24Mortgages issued by Schachmann, Jeggle, Jecuff. Jacoff sells a garden in Weizen. The Peter Basler creditors sell his real estate for 320 florins. Hirtzl had complained to become the owner before. Jonle Jew buys a field for 32 fl. in behalf of the Jews Sanel and Leman. Judel Jew of Ofteringen claims payment. Hürtzle applies to write some persons (with a list of names) into outlawry (Acht, but in this context, it means a stage of the procedure against a debtor). With an agreement by every one about the method of payment. Leman Jew, same for some debtors who did not pay. Jacoff Jew, same for a series of debtors. Schachman Jew applies to confiscate the property of Caspar Schalch. Judele of Ofteringen applies to write some creditors into outlawry (Acht). Jäggle Jew, horse trade matter.
1628-03-02Hirtzlin is asked for a receipt.
1628-09-14Hürtzle and Leman, common claim.
1628-12-28Jacob Eß, blacksmith of Untereggingen, offers Jew Hirtzel a field as payment so he will come out of the outlawry (Acht). The Jew insists on full payment.
1629-02-01Claims to Hanns Rebmann called Gussi: Jäggle Jew 134 fl. Hürtzle Jew 60 fl. Meierle Jew 8 fl. Jecoff Jew 8 fl. Cost 1 fl. Isaac 4 fl. + 3 fl. The heirs of Sannel Jew 15 fl. Judele Jew of Ofteringen 30 fl. + 5 fl.
1629-02-22The Jews Meierle, Jäggle, Sannel´s heirs, Kipha, Jäcoff, and Hürtzel have claims to Hanns Hegelin.
1629-03-21Mention of Jews Hürtzle, Jacoff, Leman Jew´s son, Schachman, Judele of Ofteringen, Daniel, Costmann, Meierle of Ofteringen.
1629-04-14Hürtzle Jew, agreement.
1629-04-19Claims by Jeggle Jew Leman´s son, Sannel, and Jäggle, and in a subsequent list Jeggle, Hürtzle, Judtele, Meierle, Sannel´s heirs, Jäcoff, and Isacc.
1629-05-16With mention of Cost, Jacoff, Hürtzle (buys a house and garden and sells his father´s house and garden and a meadow), Eli (questionable debt, with mention of Sannel), Judele, Judele of Ofteringen.
1629-05-31Jäggle, Leman, Cost and Hürtzle Jews are to deliver payment and grain to Schaffhausen.
1629-07-05Hirtzle, several cases.
1629-09-20Cases of Jeggle Jew and Hirtzle Jew.
1629-11-15Hürtzle sues Johannes Pfeiffer.
1630-01-10Hürtzle has collected payment for Meierle.
1630-03-20With mention of Mauschi of Ofteringen, Schmol of Ofteringen, Hürtzle, Schachman, Josephle as powerholder of Sannel´s widow, Jäggle Jew Leman´s son.
1630-04-11(Hard to understand, probably) Hanns Maier, carter, is to pay Judele Jew for spelt which he has failed to deliver. Hirtzle Jew or his brother Isaac (are to supply the spelt?)
1630-04-17With mention of Schachman, Meierle, Leman Jew´s son Leman (sic, probably in error), Schmol of Ofteringen, Leman, Jacoff, Schachmann, Hürtzle, Joseph servant of Sannel´s widow, Jäggle, Jacoff, Schmol.
1630-06-06David Jew sues Balis Eberlin´s wife for inciting his children to theft. With further details and a thorough statement of Hirtzle Jew about the theft of many items.
1630-08-01Hürtzle Jew says he is wrongly accused of theft.
1630-10-23With mention of Schachman, Meierle, Sannel´s widow, Hürtzle, Jacoff and Jäggle Jews (they claim payment from a common debtor).
1631-01-09Hürtzle Jew, claim after a horse trade.
1631-01-16Interrogation of a witness in the Hürtzle matter.
1631-02-12With mention of Hürtzle, Sannel´s widow, Leman, Jacoff, Meierle, Jäggle, Judele, Judele of Ofteringen.
1631-03-12With mention of Jacoff, Hürtzle, Schachman, Judele representing Meierle, Jäggle, Leman, Sannel´s widow.
1631-04-09With mention of Judele of Ofteringen, Hürtzle, Meierle, Jacoff, Isaac, Eli, Jäggle, Judele representing Meyerle of Ofteringen, Schachman, Leman, Jecoff.
1631-05-22Isaac Jew is ordered to pay 43 florins to Hanns Hofacker or nominate his brother Hürtzle as a warrantor, on pain of 27 pounds.
1631-09-24With mention of Hürtzle, Schachman, Schmol, Isaac, Judele of Ofteringen, Jäggle, Meierle.
1631-09-25Description of the debts of Jew Isaac, summing up to 103 florins. (Partially illegible on microfilm). Hürtzle Jew asks that the authority orders his brother Isaac to insert/invest/install (einsetzen) his house.
1631-10-02Creditors of Matheis Widmann. Hirtzle 101 + 5 fl. Leman 60 + 6 fl. Jecoff 100 + 5 + 5 + 89 fl. Sannel´s widow 80 + 8 + 7 fl. Jeggle 28 fl. Schmol 20 fl.
1631-11-18With mention of Leman (sells half a small house with a garden), From of Ofteringen (in hehalf of Fahl Jew), Hürtzle, Judele of Ofteringen, Jäggle, Jacoff.
1631-12-01With mention of Jacoff, Judele, Jäckle representing Sannel´s widow, Hürtzle, Schachman, Jäggle.
1631-12-05Debts of Daniel Hotz: Jacoff Jew 56 fl. Meierle Jew 200 fl. plus interest Sannel and Jeggle Jews 18 fl. Hürtzle Jew 12 fl.
1632-01-29Two mentions of Hürtzle.
1632-02-12A man is fined for not appearing in court upon request of Hürtzle.
1632-02-19Hirtzle Jew, change of fields.
1632-02-19Hürtzel Jew and Florentz Meier may go to court in their field change quarrel.
1632-03-08Decision between Hürtzle Jew and Margaretha Kernmüller of Weitzen.
1632-03-11Hürtzle, deposited cattle.
1632-03-16Sannel a Welsh Jew and David Jew of Eberfingen are fined for mutual offenses. Hürtzle is to pay the penalty of the foreign Jew.
1632-03-31With mention of Jacoff, Hürtzle, Schachman, Jäggle, Judele (also called Judele of Ofteringen), Joseph, Sannel´s widow, Judele, Marum, Jäggle.
1632-04-16Christoph Hertz is fined for beating Simon Jew, brother-in-law of Hürtzle Jew, bloody without a reason.
1632-04-28With mention of Schachman, Eli, Sannel´s widow, Jacoff, Schmol, Hürtzel, Josephle representing Sannel´s widow.
1632-10-13With mention of Schachman, Hürtzle, Schmol.
1632-12-01With mention of Jecoff (away from the country), Schmol representing his father Jacoff or Jecoff, Jäggle, Sannel´s widow, Schachman, Maierle, Judele Jud Mauschi Sohn, Schmul, Hirtzle.
1633-01-27The Landgrave extends the protection for David and Henle Jews and their wife/wives and children from "Hemadorff" (Hemmendorf?) until next Pentecost, and Hürtzle Jew pays 5 Reichstaler protection fee for them.
1633-01-27Such an agreement was made with Hürtzle in behalf of his brother-in-law from Kenzingen and father-in-law, but without a deadline.
1633-02-07Hürzle, long quarrel after a hore trade.
1633-02-16With mention of Schachman, Meierle (wants to buy a house), Judele Moschai Sohn of Ofteringen, Jäggle, the servant of Sanel Jew´s widow Jew Jecoff´s son representing his father, Sanel´s widow, Jäggle, Hürtzle (sells a house with two gardens).
1633-03-29Hürtzle Jew, a horse has been changed (vertauscht) by his brother Isaac without his knowledge.
1633-04-07Mutual account between Hürtzle Jew and Margaretha Kernmüller.
1633-04-25Among the creditors of miller Michael Alparth of Schleitheim are: Schmol Jew for himself and who is to report such to his father/cousin Jacoff (der solches sein Vater/ Vetter Jacoff berichten soll) Jeggle, Hürtzle and Schachman for themselves. They agree to postpone their claims for two years.
1633-04-28A claim of Hürtzle Jew is to be paid.
1633-10-06The widow of Hürtzle is to prove that she has given back the same bags which she has obtained from Peter Basler, and not worse ones.
1633-12-15The widow of Hürtzle Jew is to be paid.
1634-02-10Description of the debts of Johannes Pfeiffer. Meierle about 200 fl. Schachman about 120 fl. Jecoff Jew 58 fl. Schmol Jew 12 fl. The heirs of Hürzle Jew 9 fl. Eli(?) Jew Meierle´s son 27 fl. With a long negotiation about Schachman´s claim.
1634-02-16Hürzle Jude 20 Kreuzer für eine Kundschaft (Bescheinigung).
1634-05-04The widow of Hürtzle claims partial payment from the sheriff of Horheim.
1634-05-31Caspar Eisenegger sues the widow of Hürtzle, assisted by Schachman Jew, for payment of 75 fl. A long matter with Schachman suing Eisenegger for verbal injuries. Eisenegger says he has only done this for the religion as he knows nothing odd about Schachman (says he has only geketzeret him, but not geschelmet and gediebet).
1634-06-15Schirm- und Satzgeld: Hürzle, 15 fl
1634-08-31Mention of Meierle, Joseph, and Hirtzle in a horse trade matter.
1634-09-07Mutual account between Jerg Hertenstein and Hürtzle Jew, with mention of the widow and Jäggle, Lehemann´s son.
1634-10-12Claims against Felix Nüsslin of Lempach: Jacoff Jew 120 fl. Schachmann Jew 5 fl. + 8 fl. Hürtzel´s heirs 200 fl. Jeggle Jew 13 fl. Leman Jew 20 fl.
1635-01-31Felix Nüssle has formerly bought a house from Hürtzle Jew for 200 fl. and now want to sells it back to the widow. Jeggle and Schachman answer for her.
1635-07-01Jekoff, Schmule (1636 W), Meierle, Hürtzle, Leman, Isaac, Cost, Kyphe, Eli, Schachman, Jeggle, Samuel W., Marum
1635-10-24Jeggle, Hürtzle and Sannel´s widow claim their shares of a purchase price.
1635-10-24Leman Jew asks for delay until he can carry on Hürtzle´s business book.
1636-02-11Claim by Schachman as representative of Hirtzle´s widow.
1636-02-11Leman asks for delay until he can carry on Hürtzle´s business book.
1636-02-12Hirtzle´s widow has renounced from a real estate transaction and is to pay some fees.
1636-02-22Isaac Lemans Sohn asks for patience until be can present the business book of Hürtzlin.
1636-02-22In the matter of Caspar Schwarber, the book of Hürtzel is to be presented on pain of heavy penalty.
1636-04-24Seligmann Jew as assistant of Hürzle´s widow sells a house to shoemaker Jacob Aichkern in Lempach for 170 fl.
1636-04-24Hürtzle´s successor (Nachfahr, the word meant the subsequent husband of the widow at that time) Jecoff Jew is allowed to live here under protection for two years (with a description of the fees).
1636-04-28Schachman as representative of Hürzel´s widow sells a house and garden in Lembach.
1636-04-28Jacob Büchin acknowledges payment of 75 fl. from Hürtzel´s widow instead of her husband Herz Jew (hard to read).
1636-06-15rückständigen Abgaben an Getreide Hürzle Juden Wittib,
1637-02-26The widow of Hürtzli files a claim.
1637-02-26The widow of Hürtzle. Jew Meierle.
1637-03-19Schachman Jew as assistant of Hürtzle´s widow sues Florentz Mager of Weizen for payment of 159 fl.
1637-03-19The house change of Hürtzle´s wife is declared void because it was done without her assistant.
1651-03-22The heirs of Hirzlin claim 91 florins capital and 56 florins interest from the estate of Ottlin Fischer. Schachman Jew claims 79 florins for a meadow sold on 30.03.1637, less 19 florins already paid. This claim is to be paid in the following manner: 10 fl. by Marum Jew Jeckhoff´s son, 38 fl. by him and his father and brother Schmule, 12 fl. by the widow of Jew From in Ofteringen.
1652-02-01Hirzlin´s heirs, claim.
1653-03-10Claims to the property of butcher Daniel Hetz by Menckhe, Jetlin Jewess, Schachman´s heirs, Hirtzlin´s heirs, Schmul, Marum Tochtermännle and Eli Jew Mayerlin´s son.
1664-06-05Lehemann Jew Hürtzlin´s son, mutual account which included a claim by his father Hürtzle Jew.
1674-01-26Lechmann Jew as an heir of Hürzlen, mutual account.

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