
Abstracted from Geldrechnung Stühlingen 1690/91 (partially undated).

1691-09-29At Eberfingen: Hirtzl Jew. Davidt. At Untereggingen: Jüdele Weill. Marum Weill. At Horheim: Jägglin. Salomon. Benedict. The Jews at Tiengen are due 20 fl. per year. Jew Samuel at Unterlauchringen is due 1 fl. only as the protection fee pertains to Tiengen.

The following identified Jews are mentioned in this record:

Common NameFormal Name
Samuel at Unterlauchringen(Samuel at Unterlauchringen)
Jüdele Weill(Judah (Judele) ben Isac, Weyl)
Marum Weil(Meir (Marum) ben Isac, Weyl)
Benedict(Benedict in Ofteringen)
Jägglin(Jacob (Jägglin) ben David, Meyer)
Salomon(Salomon ben Jacob Meyer)
Davidt(David Meyer - Oberlauchringen)
Hirtzl(Naphtali (Hirtzel), Meyer)

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