Identified Man

Tree Judah (Judele) ben Isac, Weyl is mentioned 44 times between 1664 and 1740. He died around 1710. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'U1.1'. His father was Isac, Weyl Schwerzen.

Judelle was under protection from 1677 to 1710 first in Endermettingen [R4415; 04.18.1677], later in Untereggingen [R4445; 03.30.1687]. In 1684 he was indicted for helping his brother Veith to hide stolen cattle [R1356; 11.10.1684]. Judele too dealt in cattle and horses. The Jews of Untereggingen probably migrated eventually to Gailingen RR#4 footnote 2. .

1664-01-25The protection fee of Volla Jew in Oberlauchringen. Volla, son of des alten Judelins in Oberlauchringen, may live for a year with his father.
1677-03-15Isac Juden Sohn Judelle, der in Endermettingen wohnt, zahlt 9 fl. Satzgeld für ein halbes Jahr von Michaelis 1676 bis Ostern 1677.
1677-03-15Isac und sein Sohn Judelle in Endermettingen zahlen je 18 fl. Satzgeld.
1679-03-15Isac und sein Sohn Judelle zu Endermettingen je 18 fl.
1679-08-02Trespassing permit for Isac, his son, Jüdtele and Samuel. Isaac Jew and his son Leib, and for (himself and his sons?) Jüdele and Samuel of Hofwies. Mauschele Jew from "Leh.." Jacob and Hayumb the Jews of Gailingen.
1679-12-14Jüdle Weyhl von der Hofwiese, horse trade.
1680-03-15Isaac und Judelle Jud Isaacen Sohn, beide zu Endermettingen, je 18 fl.
1680-12-31Sandel, Mayerlin Menkins Sohn, Jonas, Löw Jonas Sohn, Calmelin, Marum Jekhoffens Sohn, Jacklin Menkins Bruder, Mayer Lehmans Sohn, Seeligmann, Schmulin, Limblin (Seligmanns Tochtermann), Abraham, Model, Isaac Schmulens Sohn, Feussel Lehmanns Sohn, Abraham W., Samuel in Unterlauchringen, Mayer in Unterlauchringen, Hirzel in Eberfingen, David in Eberfingen, Löw Barochs Sohn in Horn, Jäcklin Lehmanns Tochtermann in Horn, Salomon Menkens Tochtermann in Horn, Isak in Entermettingen, Jüdle Weihl Isaks Sohn in Entermettingen, Sandel in Ofteringen, Jonas in Ofteringen, Josef in Ofteringen
1681-01-01(continued) Hürtzel and Davidt both at Eberfingen. Löw Jew Baroch`s son, Jäckhlin Jew Lehmann`s son-in-law, and Salomann Menckhin`s son-in-law, all three at Horheim. Isaac Jew and Judele Weihl Isaac`s son both Jews at Endermettingen. Benedict and Jonas both Jews at Ofteringen. Joseph Jew, also a resident at Ofteringen, has absconded under the cover of darkness soon after Easter 1680. Samuel and Meyer both Jews at Unterlauchringen.
1681-07-04Judele Weil von der Hofwiese, horse trade matter.
1683-09-18Trespassing fees from the Jews of Stühlingen and elsewhere. With mention of Judel Weyl and Jonna of Ofteringen, Schimmel of Klingnau, Hirzel and David Meyer of Eberfingen, Ephraim Weyl of Donaueschingen and Jacob Tryfuß from Gailingen.
1684-11-10Veit Weihl Jew who has lived in Stühlingen dominion for a while and last in Donaueschingen dominion, is sued for payment of 69, 51, and 64 fl. for horses. His protection in Donaueschingen was recalled and he is on the run. The stables of Jews Jäckle, Joseph Marumbs Sohn, and Judele (a brother of Veit) were inspected and the horses were found. Plaintiffs can get the horses back if they present evidence that they are the owners. The wife of Veit Weil has arrived with a little child last night, heading for Lenglau as he (Veit) had ordered here to go.
1684-11-13Again this matter, with mention of Joseph Marumbs Sohn, Mayrlen Mänckens Sohn, Jäckhlin Menckhens Bruder (brother), and Judele Veits Bruder.
1685-09-09The following pay trespassing fee: The Jews of Stühlingen (no names) Eberfingen: Hirzel Meyer, David Meyer. Horheim: Salomon, Jonale Weil. Donaueschingen: Schmule Weil, Meyer Weil Eggingen: Judel Weil.
1686-10-09Jekhoff Marums Sohn wurde wegen Injurien gegen Judele Weihl um 2 fl. bestraft.
1686-10-09Verbal injuries by Jäckhoff Gugenum of Stühlingen against Judle Weil of Untereggingen.
1687-03-15Judele Weihl, dermalen zu Untereggingen, 18 fl.
1689-08-25Long considerations about Jewish trespassing fees. The following paid such: Mauschele of Endingen, Salomon of Horheim, Judel Weil and Marum Weil of Untereggingen, Hierzel Meyer of Eberfingen, each 2 fl.
1689-10-27Judele Weihl Jew at Untereggingen is fined.
1691-09-29At Eberfingen: Hirtzl Jew. Davidt. At Untereggingen: Jüdele Weill. Marum Weill. At Horheim: Jägglin. Salomon. Benedict. The Jews at Tiengen are due 20 fl. per year. Jew Samuel at Unterlauchringen is due 1 fl. only as the protection fee pertains to Tiengen.
1691-09-29(continued) Salomon Jägglin`s son. Josel Marum`s son. Jacob Marum`s son. Marum`s widow and son Jonas. At Eberfingen: Hirtzl. Davidt. Jeckoff Callmel`s son. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. At Horheim: Jägglin. Salomon. Benedict. Protection fee was due again on Easter 1691, except the following: Callmel has died on Michaelis (29.09) 1690. Schmul the Tall has died on Easter 1691 and is thus due 10 fl. for the last time.
1692-03-13Judel and Marum Weil brothers were summoned.
1692-04-01Abraham Jäckhlin, Model b. Leub (wohl Weil), Isaac Lemblin, Meyer b. Lehman Pickhart , Mausche und Meyer des Menggens Sohn (wohl Bloch), Schmuli, Jossel, Salomon Jackhlins Sohn, Marum Sandels Sohn (wohl Weyl), Jackhoff b. Calmelin (wohl Guggenheim), in unserer Statt Stüehlingen, auf das Land aber David b. Hürtzel (wohl Bickert), Elias Jüdele und Marum Weyl, Benjamin, SalomonDavid Jackhlins Sohn
1692-05-09Judel and Marum Weil brothers at Untereggenen send their protection fee.
1693-04-17Judel Weil at Untereggingen is fined for verbal injuries,
1693-06-02The customs (probably the revenues) are granted to Marum and Judel Weil brothers at Untereggingen.
1693-06-09Judel Weil Hebrew is fined for damage caused by his horses.
1694-01-01Customs paid by Marum Weyl and Judele Weil at Untereggingen.
1694-01-01The whole Jewish community was fined 64 fl. for putting cattle back and forth in other people`s stables which is against the rules of the letter-of-protection. Judele Weyl at Untereggingen was fined. -
1695-01-01Schmuli Seligman`s son. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model Jew. Abraham Jew. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel Jew. David Jew. Jekhoph Calmelin`s son. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. At Horheim: Salomon.
1695-01-01Penalty of Jekhoph Calmelin`s son. Jew Leub. Mausche Meyer. Jew Lew again. Judele Weyl.
1695-04-03Isaac. Schmuli. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model. Abraham. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel. David. Jakhoph. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. Others: Samuel Jew at Lauchringen. Israel Ulman of Tiengen.
1695-06-22Judele Weyll of Untereggingen sells a horse.
1697-04-07Lembli. Isac. Schmuli. Meyer. Model. Abraham. Jekhoph. At Eberfingen: Hürschel. David. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. Benedict.
1699-01-01Judele Weihl at Untereggingen sold horses worth 36 fl. to the dominion.
1699-01-01Penalty of Elias at Eberfingen. Jüdele Weyhl at Untereggingen.
1699-04-19At Untereggingen: Marum. Jüdele Weyhl. Benjamin. At Horheim: Salomon. His brother. General: The unmarried cousin of Sandel (half fee). Jäckhoff Marum`s son. Mergam the widow of Jew Marum (half fee). Jonas Model`s son.
1700-10-15Untereggingen: Benjamin, Jüdele Weyhl, Marum Weyhl.
1700-10-15Untereggingen: Benjamin, Jüdele Weihl, Marum Weihl.
1703-10-09Session of the peasants´ court for Oberand Untereggingen: Jüdele Weyl Jew and his daughter have beaten the pregnant wife of Johann Müller and are fined five pounds. His Jüdelen´s son Schmuli has for some years refused to return a bag to Johann Müller. He is to return it and pay two pounds fine.
1704-06-25The dominion leases a house in Untereggingen to Jew Judel Weyl. With the terms of the contract.
1706-10-13Jüdele Weyl, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1710-03-15Jüdele Weyl Schirm- und Satzgeld,
1710-06-01Judel Weyl von Untereggingen, Samuel Weyl allda, Beniamin allda, Model Weyl allhier, Jossel, Mausche Bloch, Hirzel Bickhert, Jäckhoff Marum Sohn, Jackhoff Calmelins Sohn, Sandel Jud wegen dem Siessel, Siessel gleichfalls, Hirzel von Eberfingen, Salomon Sandels Tochtermann.
1712-01-25Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Sandel Weyl, Leib Gugenheim, Meyer Bickhert, Lemble Weil, Meyer Bloch, Samuel Gugenheimb, Salomon Bloch, Moyses Bloch, Salomon Weyl, Sandels Sohn, Hirtzle Bickhert, Jonas Weyl, Joseph Gugenheim Samuels Sohn, Josel Gugenheim,Lehm Biggert, Menkhle Bloch, Isac Bickhert, Lewel Gugenheim, Veith Gugenheim, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Abrahamb Gugenheim,Daniel Biggert, Davit Vorsinger, Jacob Gugenheimb,Marum Lembles Sohn, Elias Meyer, Jakkele Meyer, Elias Weyl, Isac Bernheim, MoysesWeyl, Menggen Bloch, Judas Weyl
1714-10-15Horheim: David Jäckhlins Sohn, Jud Menckhin, Menckhins Bruder, Elias Boll, Judele Weyl, Isaac Beniamins Sohn, Menckhin Mayer.
1715-03-15Horheim: David Jäckhlins Sohn, Jud Menckhin, Mayer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Judele Weyl, Isaac Beniamins Sohn, Menckhin Mayer.
1715-10-15Horheim: David Jäckelins Sohn, Jud Menckhe, Menckins Bruder Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isac Jud Benjamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer.
1715-10-15Satzgelder der Juden, 9 fl. an Michaelis in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Jud, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (4,5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faissell Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulis Sohn, Marum Lemblins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Leheman Bickert Meyers Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, in Eberfingen von Jäggele Hirtzels Sohn, in Horheim von Davidt Jäggelins Sohn, Jud Mencken, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isac Jud Beniamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer.
1716-03-15Extanzenregister, darin die schutzverwandten Juden Sallomon Jäggelin Sohn, Jekoff Marum Sohn, Mausche Alt, Josell Marum Sohn, Lemble Alt, Isac Juden Wittib, Schmuel Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann Bickhert, Modell, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Mergam Marums Wittib, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Jäggelle Hirtzels Sohn, Hirtzel Jud, Jackoff Callmelis Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, Davidt Jäggelin Sohn, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Marum Weyl Jud, Beniamin Jud, Schmule Jüdelins Sohn, Isac Jud Beniamin Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelin Sohn. Fremde Juden, die Geleit haben: Ephraim zu Donaueschingen, Samuel allda, Simeon und Samuel Vehlmann (wohl Uhlmann) zu Tiengen, Samuel von Unterlauchringen, Baroch von Endingen, Isac Meyer von "Gaisingen", Lehman Weyl von Donaueschingen, Meyer Bloch Jud von Gailingen, Jud Jopperle von Lenglau.
1716-03-15Horheim: David Jäggelins Sohn, Jud Menckhen, Mencken Bruder Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Judelle Weyl, Isac Jud Beniamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer.
1716-03-15Satzgelder der Juden, 10 fl. an Ostern in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marum Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmueli Seeligmann, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isacc Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzelle Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulis Sohn, Marum Lemblin Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Leheman Bickert Mayers Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, in Eberfingen von Jäggelle Hirtzels Sohn, in Horheim von Davidt Jäckhelin Sohn, Jud Menckin, Mencken Bruder Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isacc Jud Beniamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer.
1716-10-15Satzgeld der Juden, je 9 fl. auf Michaelis 1716 in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Jud, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Meyer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Isacc Abrahamen Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (4,5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmule Sohn, Marum Lemblins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Elias Meyer, Israel Meyer, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Daniel Bickert, Jäggle Hirtzels Sohn zu Eberfingen, in Horheim von Davidt Jäckellin Sohn, Menckin Bernheimb, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isacc Bernheimb Beniamin, Menckin Meyer, Meyer Weyl Jüdellin Sohn.
1717-03-15Satzgeld der Juden, je 10 fl. an Ostern 1717 in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Joseph Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn (ist hinweg gezogen, also null), Hirtzel Isac Sohn (ebenmäßig null), Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn (gleichfalls fort und null), Josell Lang Schmule Sohn, Marum Lemblin Sohn (ist ebenmäßig hinweg gezogen, null), Menckin Bloch, Lehemann Bickert, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Daniel Bickert (ist hinweg gezogen, null), Jäckelle Hirtzels Sohn von Eberfingen, von Horheim Davidt Jäggelin Sohn (gleichfalls null), Menckin Bernheimb, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll (null), Jüdelle Weyl, Isac Bernheimb Beniamin Sohn, Menckin Meyer, Meyer Weyl Jüdelin Sohn.
1722-10-15An Michaelis 1722 je 9 fl. aus Stühlingen von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menckin Sohn, Meyer Bickert, Lehmann Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Faisel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulin Sohn, Elias, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weil Judellin Sohn.
1725-10-15An Michaelis 1725 von den Juden in Stühlingen je 9 fl., nämlich von Leib, Marum Weyl, Salamon Weyl, Mayer Bloch Menckhins Sohn, Leman Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias, Lemble Weyl Alt, Mayer Weyl Judelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Mayers Sohn, Mayer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1725-12-31Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon weyl, Mayer Bloch Menkens Sohn, Mayer Birkert, Isaak Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Jonas Leibs Sohn, Josel lang Schmulens Sohn, Elias Mayer, Lemle Weyl der Alte, Meyer Weyl Jüdelens Sohn, Menkin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Mayer Bloch der Junge, Josef Sandels Tochtermann, Lehmann Birkert, Marx Mayer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn
1726-10-15Schutz-, Schirm- und Satzgeld der Juden in Stühlingen, 9 fl. an Michaelis von Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckins Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weyl Judelins Sohn, Menckin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn.
1729-01-01Rückständigen Zahlungen von Jeckoff Marumbs Sohn (156), Model (17), Mergen Marumbs Wittib (32), Hertzele (29), Jackoff Callmelins Sohn (37), Elias Boll (70), Jüdele Weyl von Horheim (25), Marumb Weyl (3), Beniamin (10), Schmule Jüdelins Sohn (28), Ephraim (13), Samuel von Unterlauchringen (22), Isacc Meyer von Gailingen (9), Meyer Bloch von Gailingen (10), Lehmann Weyl von Donaueschingen „so getauft und dato sich in Donaueschingen befindet, mit Anthoni Namen Joseph Ernst“ (18) (Beträge in Gulden, auf ganze Zahlen abgerundet).
1733-12-31Leib died, Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn,Salomon Weyl Sandels Sohn, Mayer Bloch Menkens Sohn, Lehmann Birkert Mayers Sohn, Isaac Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leib Sohn, Jonas Leib Sohn, Jossel lang Schmule Sohn, Elias Meyer, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Mayer Weyl Jüdeles Sohn in Horheim, Menke Bloch Mayer Sohn, Mayer Bloch jung, Josef Sandels Sohn, Marum Weyl Dicker, Salomon Weyl Marum Sandels Sohn, Meyer Guggenheim Feissels Sohn, Abraham Bloch, Moysis Weyl, Schmule Weyl Lemles Sohn, Marx Bloch, Marum Gugenheim
1734-12-31Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Salomon Weyl Sandels Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menkens Sohn, Lehmann Birkert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leib Sohn, Jonas Leib Sohn, Josel lang Schmulin Sohn, Elias Meyer, Schmule Weyl Lemle Sohn, Marx Meyer, Mayer Weyl Jüdeles Sohn in Horheim, Menken Bloch Meyers Sohn, Mayer Bloch jung, Josef Sandels Sohn, Marum Weyl Dicker, Salomon Weyl Marum Sandels Sohn, Meyer Guggenheim Feissels Sohn, Abraham Bloch, Moyses Weyl, Marx Bloch, Marum Gugenheim, Lehman Weyl Dickers Sohn,
1740-01-01Protected Jews in Stühlingen: Marum Weyl Sandl`s son. Salomon Jew Sandl`s son. Lehmann Bickert Meyer`s son. Isaac Abrahamb`s son. Feistel Leib`s son. Jonas Leib`s son. Josef Lang Schmulin`s son. Eleis Meser Jew. Schmuly Weyl Lemle`s son. Marx Meyer. Jonas Weyl Salomon`s son. Meyer Weyl Judelin`s son. Mencke Bloch Meyer`s son. Meyer Bloch the young, crooked. Joseph Sandl`s son-in-law, lives with his son in the Breisgau region. Marum Weyl Dickher (the fat?). Salomon Weyl Marum Sandl`s son. Meyer Gugenheimb Feistel`s son. Abrahamb Bloch. Moysis Weyl. Marx Bloch. Marum Gugenheimb. Lehemann Weyl Dickher`s son. Jacob Bloch. Hewen Bickert Isaac`s son. Salomon Gugenheimb Langen Josel`s son. Isaac Weyl Dicker`s son. Feistel Gugenheimb Joseph`s son.

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