Judah (Judele) - Ofteringen is mentioned 44 times between 1621 and 1670. He died around 1634. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'O4'.
Schwartz Judelle appeared alive from 1628 to 1632, from then on his widow is mentioned until 1658. They lived in Ofteringen. It is possible, if not likely, that he was the brother of Moses and Meir (Meierle), also in Ofteringen. He seems to have loaned money [R1656; 02.01.1629] , dealt in grain [R2616; 04.11.1630] , wine [R1630; 10.26.1628] , and cattle [R2759; 06.03.1632]. .
1621-03-23 | The claim by Judle of Ofteringen is transferred to the village court of Geislingen. |
1621-03-23 | Judle of Ofteringen sues Caspar Zimmermann of Erzingen who is sick. |
1628-01-24 | Mortgages issued by Schachmann, Jeggle, Jecuff. Jacoff sells a garden in Weizen. The Peter Basler creditors sell his real estate for 320 florins. Hirtzl had complained to become the owner before. Jonle Jew buys a field for 32 fl. in behalf of the Jews Sanel and Leman. Judel Jew of Ofteringen claims payment. Hürtzle applies to write some persons (with a list of names) into outlawry (Acht, but in this context, it means a stage of the procedure against a debtor). With an agreement by every one about the method of payment. Leman Jew, same for some debtors who did not pay. Jacoff Jew, same for a series of debtors. Schachman Jew applies to confiscate the property of Caspar Schalch. Judele of Ofteringen applies to write some creditors into outlawry (Acht). Jäggle Jew, horse trade matter. |
1628-02-03 | Meierle Jew of Ofteringen, claim. |
1628-03-09 | Judle Jew of Ofteringen has a claim of 189 florins. |
1628-10-26 | Judele Jew of Ofteringen is sued after a wine trade. |
1629-02-01 | Claims to Hanns Rebmann called Gussi: Jäggle Jew 134 fl. Hürtzle Jew 60 fl. Meierle Jew 8 fl. Jecoff Jew 8 fl. Cost 1 fl. Isaac 4 fl. + 3 fl. The heirs of Sannel Jew 15 fl. Judele Jew of Ofteringen 30 fl. + 5 fl. |
1629-02-01 | Judele of Ofteringen, several claims. |
1629-02-22 | Claims of Judele and Leman. |
1629-03-21 | Mention of Jews Hürtzle, Jacoff, Leman Jew´s son, Schachman, Judele of Ofteringen, Daniel, Costmann, Meierle of Ofteringen. |
1629-04-18 | Mention of Cost, Jacoff, Leman (sale of a house in Eberfingen to David), Jäggle, Meierle (buys a house in an auction), David, Schachman, Meierle of Ofteringen, Judele, Judele Mauschi Sohn, Judele of Ofteringen. |
1629-04-19 | Claims by Jeggle Jew Leman´s son, Sannel, and Jäggle, and in a subsequent list Jeggle, Hürtzle, Judtele, Meierle, Sannel´s heirs, Jäcoff, and Isacc. |
1629-05-16 | With mention of Cost, Jacoff, Hürtzle (buys a house and garden and sells his father´s house and garden and a meadow), Eli (questionable debt, with mention of Sannel), Judele, Judele of Ofteringen. |
1629-11-08 | Among the creditors of Simon Rübelmann of Mauchen are Sannel Jew´s widow 5 fl. Jäcoff Jew 45 fl. Jäggle Jew 4 fl. Schwartz Judel Jew of Ofteringen 2 fl. |
1630-04-11 | (Hard to understand, probably) Hanns Maier, carter, is to pay Judele Jew for spelt which he has failed to deliver. Hirtzle Jew or his brother Isaac (are to supply the spelt?) |
1631-02-12 | With mention of Hürtzle, Sannel´s widow, Leman, Jacoff, Meierle, Jäggle, Judele, Judele of Ofteringen. |
1631-03-12 | With mention of Jacoff, Hürtzle, Schachman, Judele representing Meierle, Jäggle, Leman, Sannel´s widow. |
1631-03-27 | Claims to Georg Schäfler of Obereggingen: Judele Jew of Ofteringen 10 fl. Jägle Jew in Stühlingen 3 fl. Jäcoff Jew 5 fl. |
1631-04-09 | With mention of Judele of Ofteringen, Hürtzle, Meierle, Jacoff, Isaac, Eli, Jäggle, Judele representing Meyerle of Ofteringen, Schachman, Leman, Jecoff. |
1631-09-24 | With mention of Hürtzle, Schachman, Schmol, Isaac, Judele of Ofteringen, Jäggle, Meierle. |
1631-11-18 | With mention of Leman (sells half a small house with a garden), From of Ofteringen (in hehalf of Fahl Jew), Hürtzle, Judele of Ofteringen, Jäggle, Jacoff. |
1631-12-01 | With mention of Jacoff, Judele, Jäckle representing Sannel´s widow, Hürtzle, Schachman, Jäggle. |
1632-03-10 | With mention of Schachman, Jacoff, Sannel´s widow, Meierle of Ofteringen, Jaudele of Ofteringen (also representing his brother From), Meierle, Schachman, Jacoff, Joseph Jew Sannel´s servant, From of Ofteringen. |
1632-03-11 | Schwarz Judele is to make a mutual account (probably the same man as before). |
1632-03-11 | Judel of Ofteringen, mutual account. |
1632-03-11 | Mutual account between Judele of Ofteringen (alsocalled Schwartz Judele) and Georg Schefel of Eggingen. |
1632-03-31 | With mention of Jacoff, Hürtzle, Schachman, Jäggle, Judele (also called Judele of Ofteringen), Joseph, Sannel´s widow, Judele, Marum, Jäggle. |
1632-06-03 | Judele Schwartz the Jew of Ofteringen is to pay for cattle. |
1632-12-01 | With mention of Jecoff (away from the country), Schmol representing his father Jacoff or Jecoff, Jäggle, Sannel´s widow, Schachman, Maierle, Judele Jud Mauschi Sohn, Schmul, Hirtzle. |
1634-11-09 | Daniel Hotz is to pay a debt to Jüdele Jew´s widow. |
1637-05-19 | The widow of Jew Judle claims 84 florins from the heirs of Sebastian Scheuli and 25 florins from Jacob Seger. |
1637-11-19 | Judele´s widow claims 33 fl. |
1644-11-29 | Mutual account between Hirzle Jew´s son Leman, in the presence of Jeggle Jew, and sheriff Jacob Barth. With mention of Judele and Schachman (maybe at earlier times). |
1646-10-11 | Protection fee of Judele´s widow in Ofteringen. |
1646-12-20 | Claim by the widow of Judele Jew Hoschin´s (?) son. |
1646-12-20 | Georg Neuenburger of Stühlingen sues Judele Jew of Ofteringen as powerholder Jecoff Jew´s son. |
1650-03-10 | Judele Jew of Ofteringen as representative of the heirs of Sandel. |
1651-11-20 | Among the creditors of Jacob Seger are Jecoff´s heirs as of 17.01.1647 (the sames as?) Marum Jew Marum´s brother Jonas Seligman Judele who all have received payments and claim some more amounts, and Lämle just with a claim. |
1652-02-08 | Claim to the widow of Judele in Ofteringen, with reference to a mutual account made up 14 years ago. |
1652-03-14 | Judele as powerholder of Marum the Tochtermännlin. |
1652-04-23 | Judelle Juden Witwe in Ofteringen zahlt 6 fl. Schirmgeld an Ostern 1650 und 1651. |
1658-03-15 | Die zu Tiengen wohnenden Juden sollen jährlich 20 fl. zahlen. Judelle Juden Witwe zu Ofteringen soll 3 fl. zahlen. Isac Jude hat an seinen rückständigen 191 fl. nichts bezahlt. |
1658-12-13 | Judele Jew (where?) sues a man in Küßnach. |
1670-10-09 | Trespassing permit for Jews in order to collect their claims. With mention of Mauschele of Oberlauchringen, now in Lenglau. Volla Jew there Old Judele Jew Jäggle Jew, currently in Ofteringen Jaggle Jew of Rheinheim, now in Alsace. Gaiß Jagose Jew, currently in Endingen. |