Identified Man

Tree Menachem (Menckhen) ben Meir, Bloch is mentioned 199 times between 1650 and 1693. He died around 1677. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'C2.1.2'. His father was Meir (Mayerle) ben Jacob, Bloch.

Menachem (Menckhe) Bloch is the son of Meir ben Jacob, and the grandson of Jacob (Jäggle) the patriarch. He was under protection from 1650 [R3572; 07.1.1651] until 1676. He had died by 1677 [R4705; 01.28.1677] . His sister`s daughter was married to Jehudah (Leib) ben Jonah GH [R1400; 04.01.1686]. One of Menachem;s daughters was married to Salomon Bernheimb in Horheim [R4400; 04.18.1677], a second to Meir (Mayer) ben Judah Bickert [R1308; 04.30.1683], a third, Sara got married in 1684 [R1358; 11.17.1684] probably to David ben Jacob Meyer [R1079; 03.13.1693], and a fourth in Ichenhausen, Bavarian Swabia to Meir Weil [R923; 07.14.1690]. Jacob (Jäggle) ben Meir, Menachem`s brother seemed to have acted as executor [R4702; 01.28.1677]. The estate was quite complicated, and involved also a brother-in-law of Menckhe`s Meyer of Oettingen [R1317; 06.25.1683] [R923; 07.14.1690]. Estate matters continued until 1693. Besides Menachem`s own sons his sons in law David ben Jacob Meyer and Salomon Bernheimb of Horheim also partook in the inheritance [R935; 12.22.1690]. While Menachem did some cattle dealing, his major source of income seems to have been money lending. .

1650-06-09Menckhe Jew is required to pay Hanns Zürcher 3 florins for building a stove.
1650-12-01Menckh Jew claims 67 florins in behalf of his father Mayerlin, and 49 more florins.
1650-12-01Menckhle claims 60 fl. after a horse trade.
1651-01-12Georg Kramer of Mauchen admits to owe Mayerlin Jew and his son Mencke 241 fl. upon a calculation of 16.01.1650.
1651-01-19Again the matter Menckhe against Johann Jacob Bentele.
1651-01-26Claim of Menckhe Jew.
1651-02-07Declaraton of a witness upon request of Jäckhle Jew in Stühlingen.19 A witness declares that payment was made to Judele Jew in the name of Mayerle Jew. Menckhe contests this statement and says Judele has never been the moneycollector of his father.
1651-02-16Menckhe is to come up with evidence.
1651-03-16Claim of Menackhen Jew in the name of his father Meyerle.
1651-03-23Menckhe, agreement.
1651-03-24Mayerle of Stühlingen has sent his son Menckhe to present his business book.
1651-03-30In 1635, Hanns Jacob Kressenbuech has hurt the arm of Jew Mayerle. An agreement about refund of the medical expenses is now made with the son Menckha.
1651-03-30Menckha files two claims.
1651-07-01Marum Jekoffs Sohn, Marums Tochtermann, Mayerle, Menken Maierlins Sohn, Lehmann Hirzlins Sohn, Schmul Hirzlins Sohn, Seligmann Schmules Sohn, Jäggle
1651-07-05Menckhe, horse trade matter.
1651-07-13Menckhe wegen Beschimpfung 1 fl.
1651-07-14Menckhen is fined for offending words. Marum Jew represents the Schachman heirs.
1651-08-17Menckhe Jew is fined for accusing another man to have loitered his house during an invasion of the Villingen soldiers.
1651-08-17Menckhe 3 fl. laut Protokoll.
1652-01-15Claim by the Jew Sch(mu?)hle heirs. A man was summoned upon request of Menckhe Jew.
1652-02-01Claim by Sandel´s widow, Menckhe, Lehman, and Marum.
1652-02-06Claim by Menckha Jew, representing his father.
1652-02-15Mencke, claim upon an agreement 15 or 16 years ago.
1652-02-15Mencke representing Lämble, claim. Leheman, claim.
1652-02-26Menckhe Jew and Hanns Geisinger settle their quarrels about a claim.
1652-04-19Menckhel, debt.
1652-04-23An Ostern 1652 zahlen je 15 fl. Satzgeld: Marum Juden Jeckhen Sohn. Jonas Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn. Marum Juden Tochtermännle. Mayerle. Menckhen. Lehmann Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Schmuli Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Seligman Juden Schmulins Sohn. Jäggle Jude. Isac schuldet laut Rechnung von 1649 noch 191 fl. Schutzgeld, woran er nichts bezahlt hat. Ebenso zahlte Jäggle nichts an 40 fl. Strafe und Jeckhoffen Erben nichts an 40 fl. Strafe.
1652-05-16Menckhe Mayerlin´s son, agreement.
1652-05-16Menckhe represents his father Mayerle in a claim of 1637 and says he wants to write to his brother Eli who wrote the business book.
1652-05-28Menckhen Jew cedes a claim.
1652-12-05Claims of Menckhe, Seeligman, and Johnas.
1652-12-12A claim of Menckhen, with mention of his father (without a name).
1653-01-23Claims of Lämble, Menckhen, and Marum.
1653-02-22Claims by Menckhen, by Marum in behalf of the heirs of Jeckhoff, and by Jäggle, Kipha (absent), and Lehemann.
1653-03-10Claims to the property of butcher Daniel Hetz by Menckhe, Jetlin Jewess, Schachman´s heirs, Hirtzlin´s heirs, Schmul, Marum Tochtermännle and Eli Jew Mayerlin´s son.
1653-03-13Claims of Menckhe. A man was summoned upon request of Leheman Jew but did not appear.
1653-05-05Menckhen acknowledges payment.
1653-09-27Seligmann, mutual account. Menckhe, claims.
1653-11-13Menckhe Jew, agreement.
1653-12-11Menckhe, claim.
1653-12-18Menckhe, mutual account after a horse trade of 1637.
1654-01-22Menckhe Jew claims 47 florins in behalf of his father (Vatter) or cousin (Vetter) Wayel Jew.
1654-01-29Menckhe Jew, claims.
1654-06-11Menckhe. Seligmann.
1655-05-05Menckhe, appeal matter about a claim.
1655-11-18Lehemann Jew, creditor. Menckhe Jew, same.
1656-01-05Penalties of Jews Menckhe and Seeligmann.
1656-01-14Ledger between the heirs of mayor Hofackher and Jew Menckhe, and Mayerlin´s heirs. Mayerl Jew of Tiengen, horse trade matter.
1656-01-14Menckhe Jew, claim.
1656-02-11Ledger between Menckhe (alias Mayerl) Jew and the community of Eberfingen.
1656-10-17Menckhe Jew. The widow of Faistle Jew. Jäggle Jew. Lehmann Jew Hirzlin´s son. Schmulle Jew. Seligmann Jew.
1656-10-17In this context, Jew Marumb´s son-in-law declares: When he came into the country 25 years ago, there was a Jew at Bechtersbohl (with certain customs then compared with the current ones). With statements by Marumb Jew and Menckhe Jew. All the Jews authorize Jäggle to conduct the matter for them.
1656-11-23Menckhe Jew, same.
1657-01-11Menckhe Jew, brawls with the kettle maker.
1657-01-25Menckhe Jew, ledger in behalf of his deceased brother Feistle Jew.
1657-04-12Menckhe Jew, ledger.
1657-04-19Menggen Jew of Stühlingen, creditor. Jäggle Jew brother of Menggen, same. Judelle Jew of Lauchringen, same.
1657-08-23Menckhe Jew here, bull trade matter. Abraham, Isac, and Siesle Jews at Schwerzen, and Jäcoff successor of Hirzlin in Eggingen, are to pay their extant protection fees for several years.
1657-11-22Menckhe Jew, claim. Marumb Jew´s son-in-law, claims.
1658-01-17Menckhe Jew is to pay the surgeon.
1658-01-17Jacob Dobler ist auf Verlangen von Mencke Jude nicht erschienen.
1658-05-24Mit Forderungen an Marum Jud Tochtermännlin, Marum Jude Jeckhoffen Sohn, Menckh Jud, Schmuli Jud, alle in Stühlingen.
1658-06-06Sir Johann Jacob Atzenholtz at Wasserburg owed a credit of 425 fl. which Baron Laux Dieterich Reichlin von Meldegg got in 1611 from Meyerlin Jew at Stühlingen, setting all his real estate a pawn. Meyerlin Jew´s son Menckhe and all the heirs confess that this debt and the interest has been paid and the claim is satisfied.
1658-06-27Claim against Menckhe Jew as a warrant of Jacob Dangeleysen at Bräunlingen.
1658-06-27Callmele Jew, claim. Menckhen Jew, same.
1658-08-01Menckhin Jew is to issue 8 silver spoons to plaintiff Johann Jacob Roth of Eschantz. The spoons were set as a pawn to Zacherlin, the deceased husband of Menckhin´s sister.
1658-09-26Menckha Jew. Calmelin Jew.
1658-11-14Seligmendlin Jew, ledger Menckhin Jew, claim.
1658-11-21Claim by Menckhin Jew to Felix Angst in Obereggingen upon a credit given to his father Bascha Angst by Meyerlin Jew in 1637.
1658-12-13Claim by Menckhe Jew at Stühlingen in behalf of his deceased father Meyer Jew.
1659-02-18Menckhin Jew, victim of an attack. Same man, ledger.
1659-07-01Menckhin Jew claims 70 fl. from Anabaptist Hans Rorer for the sale of a small farm.
1660-01-08Hans Hotz of Mauchen is to pay interest to Menckhin Jew of Stühlingen.
1660-01-08Jacob Heuser of Lempach is to pay his debts to Menckhin.
1660-02-19Menckhin Jew claims payment of 107 fl.
1660-07-01Menckhe Jew, petty claim.
1660-11-18A claim by Menckhin Jew, with mention of his brother.
1660-12-02Deposition of David at the quarrel of his brother Menckhin.
1660-12-09Menckhin Jew claims 212 fl.
1660-12-09Menckhin, mutual account.
1660-12-17Menckhin contradicts the registration of a mortgage because he already has a claim to the lands provided as a pawn.
1661-02-25Menckh Jew buys an old cow for 10 fl.
1661-05-11Extant payments of Marum Jew`s son-in-law, Lehmann Jew`s heirs, Kalmele Jew, Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son, Jäggle Jew Old, Menckhen Jew, Lehman Jew Hirzlin`s son, Schmuli Jew, and Seeligman Jew.
1661-07-01Lehmann ist 1659 nach Schwerzen gezogen, Marum Jekoffs Sohn, Jonas, Kalmele, Marums Tochtermann, Menke, Jaggele, Menkins Bruder, Lehmann Hirzlins Sohn, Schmule Hirzlins Sohn, Seligmann Schmules Sohn, Jägglin der Alte
1661-07-01Lehmann ist 1659 nach Schwerzen gezogen, Marum Jekoffs Sohn, Jonas, Kalmele, Marums Tochtermann, Menke, Jaggele, Menkins Bruder, Lehmann Hirzlins Sohn, Schmule Hirzlins Sohn, Seligmann Schmules Sohn, Jägglin der Alte
1661-07-27Claims to the estate of Hanns Bühlmann of Eberfingen: Mayerlin´s heirs 183 fl. Menckhin 17 fl. Marum Jew Jacoph´s son 15 fl.
1662-01-01Protection fee of the Jews: Lehman has moved to Schwerzen on Martinsmas (11.11.) 1659 and still owes 10 fl. protection fee. There are 12 Jewish households in Stühlingen which paid 204 fl. protection fee on Easter 1661. The following paid 17 fl. each on Easter 1662: Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Kalmele Jew. Marum Jew`s sonin-law. Menckhen Jew. Jaggele Jew his brother. Leheman Jew Hirzlin`s son.
1662-01-11Menckhin Jew is to be paid 212 fl.
1662-01-12Claim of Menckhin.
1662-01-27Menckhin Jew buys a field for 50 fl.
1662-01-27Jäckhlin Jew Meyerlins Sohn representing his brother Menckhin in Stühlingen sells said field for 51 fl.
1662-09-20Menckhe for himself and his co-heirs in Stühlingen claims payment of 212 florins.
1663-02-08Menckhen claims payment.
1663-02-27Marum, Jäckhle, Sandel, and Menckhen Jews are among the creditors of late Hans Bentz of Lembach.
1663-02-27A claim öf Menckhen Jew of Stühlingen was on 20.12.1652 secured by a mortgage. In 1657 he got the pertaining pawn, a field, and now sold it further.
1663-03-15Folgende Juden zahlen auf Ostern 1663 je 17 fl. Satzgeld: Marum Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn. Jonas. Kalmele. Marum Juden Tochtermännlin. Menckhen. Jäggele Juden seinem Bruder. Leheman Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Schmuli Juden seinem Bruder. Seeligmann. Jägglin dem Alten. Die zu Tiengen wohnenden Juden zahlen 20 fl.
1663-08-27Calmelin and Menckhin´s servant are fined.
1663-08-27Kalmele und des Menckhen Knecht je 1 fl. für Rauferei.
1663-11-16Menckhe Jew, claim about a deposited (verstelltes) calf.
1663-11-29Menckhe claims payment of 232 florins capital from Hans Kromer called Kägell in Mauchen. 100 florins of this amount belong to his brother Hirtzli in Tiengen.
1663-11-29Menckhe files two more claims.
1663-12-20Menckhe of Stühlingen claims payment (several cases).
1664-01-10Menckhe claims payment for himself and his (unnamed) brothers.
1664-02-07Menckhe of Stühlingen claims payment.
1664-03-15Auf Ostern 1664 je 17 fl. von Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn. Jonas. Kalmele. Marum Juden Tochtermannlis Sohn Sandell. Menckhen. Jäggele Juden seinem Bruder. Leheman Juden Hirtzlins Sohn. Schmuli Juden seinem Bruder. Seeligmann. Jägglin dem Alten.
1664-07-10When the people of Stühlingen had to do transportation for the army around 1635, Mayerle had to provide a horse which was changed for another one. His son Menckh, Jew of Stühlingen, now claims refund. Two witnesses are being interrogated.
1664-11-06Menckhe Jew files a claim.
1664-12-05Jäckhlin Weyl der Eltere and Menckhe Mayer both protected Jews in Stühlingen cannot pay a debt of 100 florins and cede a claim instead.
1664-12-18Menckhe Jew claims payment.
1664-12-18Menckhe Mayer claims payment.
1665-01-15Claims by Menckhe and Callmele.
1665-03-05It is officially confirmed that Menckhe of Stühlingen has no claim to Hanns Jacob Bentel, which claim pretendedly originated from his father Mayerlin.
1665-03-12Menckhe files a claim.
1665-06-12Court decision after a horse trade of Menckhe.
1665-07-03Menckhe declares that late Andreas Rachstetter, last of Schwerzen, has bought a house from his father Mayerlin for 200 florins according to the court proceedings of 1665. The price was never paid. (A long matter with the interrogation of a witness).
1665-10-30Menckhe for himself and the heirs of his brother Faistlin, mutual account.
1665-12-03Menckhe claims payment (several cases).
1665-12-17Ebenso wegen Menckhe.
1666-02-04Menckha Jew for himself and the heirs of his brother Fäustlin claims payment, with reference to the proceedings of 28.01.1666.
1666-02-18Mencke claims 495 florins from Hans Grüesser in Mauchen.
1666-02-25Menckhe claims payment, with reference to the proceedings of 16.03.1665.
1666-03-18Menckhe files claims for himself and for the heirs of his brother Fäustlin.
1666-03-23Menckh Jew buys a meadow for 68 fl.
1666-05-06Menckhe Jew sells a meadow further.
1666-05-31Menckhe Jew of Stühlingen presents two witnesses in behalf of the Rachstetter house in Eberfingen.
1666-06-01Vorladung durch Mencke
1666-06-13Thony Homburger the cooper of Lembach was sentenced tower for saying to Menckhe that the Jews have better chances at court "weil sie sich halben ließen".
1666-07-23Menckhe Jew of Stühlingen represents his brother Davidt of Oberlauchringen in a horse trade matter.
1667-01-28Menckhe owes 116 florins to the Tscherni heirs.
1667-03-15je 17 fl. Satzgeld von Jäggle Juden dem Alten, Marum Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Seeligman, Kalmele, Menckhe, Jäggelle seinem Bruder, Leheman, Schmuli und Sandel.
1667-03-18Menckhe Jew has beaten Kalmele Jew bloody. The case is transferred to a Rabbi because of the Hebrew injuries.
1667-03-18Menckhe wird um 4 fl. bestraft, weil er Kalmele blutig geschlagen hat.
1667-03-31The debts of Hans Mahler in Untereggingen include Seeligmann30 fl. Marum Jew Jäckhoff´s son 33 fl. Seeligmann16 fl. Kalmele 3 fl. Menckhe 26 fl. Marum Jew in Tiengen 5 fl. Jonaes 3 fl. Jäckhlin der Ältere 2 fl.
1667-04-10Menckhe claims payment.
1667-04-21Menckhe, mutual account.
1667-12-14Menckhe is being paid 194 florins.
1667-12-31Hönlin der arme Jud der früher in Horheim wohnte, Jägglin der Alte, Marum Jekoffs Sohn, Jonas, Seligmann, Kalmele, Menke, Lehmann, Schmule, Sandel, Abraham, Jäggeles Bruder
1668-01-01Extant protection fee of Hönlin, a poor Jew who has been living in Horheim before and last for a year in Stühlingen, 10 fl. On Easter 1667, the following 11 Jewish households paid a total of 187 fl. protection fee: Jägglin the Old (der Alte). Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Seeligmann Jew. Kalmele Jew. Menckhen Jew. Jäggele his brother. Leheman Jew. Schmuli Jew. Sandel and Abraham Jews. The Jews at Tiengen are to pay 20 fl. for the thirteenth time. Marum and Schmuli Jews here are to deliver 2 fl. instead of two geese.
1668-01-25Menckhe claims 495 florins capital plus interest and some more amounts.
1668-03-15An Ostern 1668 je 17 fl. von Jägglin dem Alten, Marum Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Seeligmann, Kalmele, Menckhe, Jäggelle seinem Bruder, Leheman, Schmuli, Sandel und Abraham.
1668-05-15Menckhe Jew of Stühlingen makes a mutual account for himself and the heirs of his brother Faistlin.
1668-05-18Menckhle claims 243 florins.
1669-03-14The creditors of late shoemaker Jacob Rößler sell this man´s house and vegetable garden for 320 fl. to Menckhe Jew who sells it further for 380 fl.
1669-03-21Menckhe, claims.
1669-07-05A man was summoned upon request of Menckhe Jew.
1669-08-09Mutual account between barber Hanns Georg Newenburger and Mencke Jew who had sold the former one a house for 203 florins, with reference to the proceedings of 14.03.1669.
1669-12-28Menckhe Jew has bought a meadow from a creditor.
1670-02-07Menckhe Jew buys a meadow for 86 fl. and some fields for 200 fl.
1670-04-10Menckhe Jew has sold the meadow further.
1670-11-06Menckhe Jew, several claims.
1670-11-08Menckhe claims payment of 50 fl.
1671-02-22Menckhe Jew claims payment for himself and his coheirs (and other claims).
1671-02-27Menckhe Jew sells a meadow for 76 fl.
1671-02-27Marum sells a meadow in Lempach for 200 fl. and one in Weizen for 30 fl. of which 20 fl. are to be paid to Menckhe.
1671-09-29Menckhe Jew bought a horse for 25 fl.
1672-01-07Menckhe Jew, mutual account and claim.
1672-03-31Menckhe Jew, quarrel about a deposited cow.
1672-07-15Payment is acknowledged for a claim which Jew Menckhe and the heirs of his brother Faistlin had to shoemaker Johannes Mayer of Stühlingen according to the proceedings of 15.05.1668.
1672-12-01Menckhe Jew claims payment, with reference to the proceedings of 18.02.1672.
1673-01-19Kalmele Jew sues Marum Jew Jackhof´s son who had beaten him bloody. Marum is fined 6 pounds plus the medical expenses, and Menckhe is forbidden to carry hay or straw along the oven or kitchen of Marum.
1673-03-09Menckhe Jew, several transactions.
1673-03-15An Ostern 1673 je 18 fl. Satzgeld laut neuen Satzbriefs von Jäggle dem Alten, Marum Jeckofen Sohn, Fromele seinem Sohn, Jonas, Seeligmann, Kallmele, Menckhe, Jäggele seinem Bruder, Lehmann, Schmuli, Sandel, Abraham und Model.
1673-04-26Menckhe sells a meadow, which he had purchased on 23.03.1666, for 40 fl.
1673-04-27Menckhe Jew will be paid.
1674-01-22Marum Jew Jeckhoff´s son and Menckhe Jew, same.
1674-02-08Claims by Menckhe and Kallmele.
1674-03-15zahlten je 18 fl: Jäggle der Alt. Marum Jeckhoffen Sohn. Fromele sein Sohn. Jonas. Lew Jonasen Sohn. Seligmann. Kalmele. Menckhen. Jäggelle sein Bruder.
1674-11-08Menckhe Jew, mutual account with reference to the proceedings of 20.11.1670.
1675-03-15An Ostern 1675 je 18 fl. von Jäggle dem Alten, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kalmele, Menckhen, Jäggele sein Bruder, Leheman, Hirzlin Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Sandell, Modell.
1676-01-01The protection fee of Hönlin, a poor local Jew who does not conduct business, but keeps school, is 5 fl. only. The following protection fees were due on Easter 1676: Götschell Jew for (im Namen) late Old Jägglin. Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Lew Jew Johnas` son. Seeligmann Jew. Kalmele Jew. Menckhe Jew. Jäggle Jew Menckhe`s brother. Leheman Jew. Hirzle Jew Leheman`s son. Schmuli Jew. Ißan Jew Schmuli`s son. Sandell Jew. Abraham Jew. Modell Jew. Total of 15 protected Jews are due to pay 270 fl.
1676-01-01(same category) Caffel Jew who has married around Michaelis day (29.09) 1676 is due 9 fl. protection fee for half a year. Menggen, Jäggele, Jonas and Lew delivered their owed geese, and the others paid 1 fl. each instead. Herzele and Davidt, both at Eberfingen, paid together 18 fl. protection fee. Isac and Boroch both at Endermettingen paid same. Lew Jew who has been living in Endermettingen since Michaelis is due 9 fl. for half a year. Jäggele, Benedict, and Jonas, all three at Ofteringen, and Cosman at Unterlauchringen are due 36 fl. together. The Jews at Tiengen are due 20 fl. Joß, Khauffman, Mayerle, and Judelle, all four Jews expelled from "Ettenen" (apparently Ettenheim) came here and applied for protection. Joß lived here for 7 weeks, Khauffman for 19 weeks, and the other two for 41 weeks, so they are due 43 fl. protection fee. Total amount of protection fee due: 476 fl.
1676-01-01Sandel Jew buys an old horse for 19 fl. and three old horses for 25 fl. Menckhe buys an old horse for 18 fl.
1676-02-10Jagglin Jew Menckhe´s brother, horse trade.
1676-02-15Menckhe sells several fields for 140 fl. and 76 fl.
1676-03-15Satzgeld, je 18 fl. auf Ostern von Götschel im Namen des verstorbenen Alten Jägglins, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seeligmann, Kalmele, Menckhe, Jäggle Jud des Menckhen Bruder, Leheman, Hirzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac Jud Schmulis Sohn, Sandell, Abrahamb, Modell.
1676-03-15Satzgeld, je 18 fl. auf Ostern von Götschel im Namen des verstorbenen Alten Jägglins, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seeligmann, Kalmele, Menckhe, Jäggle Jud des Menckhen Bruder, Leheman, Hirzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac Jud Schmulis Sohn, Sandell, Abrahamb, Modell.
1677-01-08Hanns Schalch of Eberfingen sells house, barn and other real estate. The following Jewish claims are pending upon this: The heirs of Menckhe and Hürtzlen of Eberfingen 244 fl. Marum Jew of Stühlingen 20 fl. Model Jew of Stühlingen 6 fl. Other claims which are not secured by mortgages: Menckhe and Hertzlin Jews 42 fl. Menckhe´s heirs 13 fl. Hirtzlen Jew 20 fl. Jonna Jew in Stühlingen 3 fl. Kallmele Jew in this town 3 fl.
1677-01-28Jägglin Mayr representing the heirs of Menckhe makes a mutual account with Jacob Güntert.
1677-03-15je 18 fl. von Götschel, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kallmele, Menckhes Erben, Jäggelle des Menckhen Bruder, Leheman, Hirtzle des Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac des Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Kassiel.
1677-03-15An Ostern 1678 je 18 fl. von Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kalmele, Menckhe Juden Erben, Jäggele des Menckhes Bruder, Lehmann, Hirzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac (Isar?) Jud Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Lämble Jud Seligmans Tochtermann.
1681-01-30The heirs of late Menckhe Jew, questionable claim.
1681-02-27Jägle Meyer Menckhin´s brother of Stühlingen claims payment.
1681-03-13Meyerle Menckhen´s son claims payment.
1681-07-07Meyer Menckhin´s son, same.
1683-02-23Michel Fischer of Lempach owes 75 fl. to the heirs of Menckhe Jew according to a document of 25.02.1666.
1683-04-30Meyerlin Lehemanns Sohn claims 133 fl. which partially originate from his father-in-law Menckhe.
1683-06-25Meyer Jew of Oettingen sues all the heirs of Menckhe for payment of 50 fl. as the remaining amount of his inheritance (Erbteil) from his grandfather Meyer, whose property the son Menckhe has taken over. Three years ago, a Jewish Rabbi had decided that the heirs are to pay. Plaintiff says he comes from far and wants to be paid now which is conceded. Meyer Menckhens Sohn thinks he is not obliged to pay for his co-heir Wolff, Menckhen´s son-in-law, who lives abroad, but is ordered to pay because he has bought the share of this Wolff and represents him.
1683-06-25Meyer Jew of Oettingen sues all the heirs of Menckhe for payment of 50 fl. as the remaining amount of his inheritance (Erbteil) from his grandfather Meyer, whose property the son Menckhe has taken over. Three years ago, a Jewish Rabbi had decided that the heirs are to pay. Plaintiff says he comes from far and wants to be paid now which is conceded. Meyer Menckhens Sohn thinks he is not obliged to pay for his co-heir Wolff, Menckhen´s son-in-law, who lives abroad, but is ordered to pay because he has bought the share of this Wolff and represents him.
1684-11-13Again this matter, with mention of Joseph Marumbs Sohn, Mayrlen Mänckens Sohn, Jäckhlin Menckhens Bruder (brother), and Judele Veits Bruder.
1684-12-15Meyerlin Menckens Sohn claims payment. With mention of the four Menckhen heirs (no names).
1685-07-18Seeligmann buys lands from the estate of Hans Ulrich Sibler and is to pay the debts, including Himself 57 fl. Meyerlin Lehemans Sohn 2 fl. Abraham 2 fl. Modl 4 fl. Marum 50 fl. Jew Menckhen´s heirs 13 fl.
1686-04-01Margretha Gluntzer, the widow of Hans Jacob Hürlinger in Hallau, says late Jew Menckhin in Stühlingen has loaned her husband 10 fl. and took a silver cup as a pawn. Menckhin did not return it, but passed it to Jew Leb who is married with his sister´s daughter. Leb has collected the interest for some years. The widow has now found a receipt whereas the credit had been paid back in 1670. (A long matter).
1688-04-02Claim by the heirs of Jew Menckhen (see the entry of 08.01.1677), with a statement by Moses said Menckhenďs son.
1689-10-05According to the proceedings of 27.04.1688, Jacob Moreth owed 100 fl. to Jew Seeligmann. Half of this amount has been paid to the Seeligmann heirs, and the other half is now to pay to the Jew Menkin heirs.
1690-07-14A claim by the heirs of Jew Mencke is transferred to Meyr Weill at Ichenhausen who has married Menckeďs daughter.
1690-12-22The heirs of Mencke, namely the daughter Sara, David Jegglinďs son, Saloman at Horheim, and Moysy Menckeďs son, distribute a claim.
1692-04-25The heirs of Jew Menckhin at Stühlingen sell half a house which they have inhetited at Stühlingen and which was divided (or: assigned in a division of property) with their fatherďs brother Jackhle Jew, for 400 fl.
1692-09-22Johann Mayer, alderman and gunmaker in Stühlingen, representing Mausche and Mayer brothers Jew Menckhin´s sons sells butcher Hanns Faller here the half house which they have inherited from their father Muhli (sic). Said representative representing Jäckhlin Jew Menckhin´s brother sells Faller the other half of said house, a corner house (Eckhaus), bordering at the bottom to Sir Johann Schölderlin and at two sides to the common lane. The first half was sold for of 400 fl. Of this amount, 200 fl. are to be paid to the two brothers Mausche and Meyer cash, and the other 200 fl. by a down payment of 100 fl. and another payment of 100 fl. immediately when Mausche will move out, but if he will not do so soon, by two annual installments of 50 fl. The other half, the one of Jäckhle, was sold for 500 fl. Buyer makes a down payment of 20 fl. and will pay 200 fl. when Jäckhlin and his son Salomon who are living in the house have moved out. The other 280 fl. are to be paid by annual installments of 70 fl.
1693-03-13David Meyer Jew in Stühlingen, claim inherited by hs father-in-law Menckhen.

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