Jacob (Jäggle) Patriarch, Bloch is mentioned 51 times between 1614 and 1632. He died around 1631. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'C2'.
Jacob, Patriarch appears in in the original letter of protection. He is twice mentioned as brother of Nathan (Sannel) Patriarch [R1490; 08.25.1614]. The linkage to the Bloch family name is complex, since that name does not appear until 1692. But Jegele is the father of Meierle and Eli [R1508; 05.04.1618]. Meir ben Jacob, in turn is the father of Menachem (Menke) ben Meir [R2127; 06.06.1658]. The latter`s son Meir ben Menachem [R4422; 04.02.1679] carried the family name `Bloch` since 1692 [R983; 01.07.1692]. In 1629 and and 1631 Jäggle represented his late brother Sannel [R2583; 11.15.1629], and his widow [R2711; 12.11.1631] respectively. He earned his livelihood mainly dealing in grain and cattle. .
1614-08-25 | Jacob Müller, blacksmith in Untermettingen, is allowed to get a copy of the document upon which the Jews and brothers Sannel and Jägle raise a claim against his house. The Jews have offered to supply further proof. |
1615-04-01 | Phal, Mayerle, Lema, Sandel, Jeckhle, Hirtzle, Casten, Jekuf, |
1617-04-12 | Upon an inquiry of the mayor of Bonndorf, one reports: A stranger has come into town and asked a boy if it is true that no Jewish woman can give birth unless the blood of a Christian has been spilled before. The stranger then went into the house of the brothers Sannel and Jägle, pre tending to have something to sell. |
1618-05-04 | Meierle Jew makes an agreement, also representing his father Jegele and his brother Eli, that Jegele may remain here and trade as the other Jews as long as he lives, and Eli may do so as long as he remains unmarried. The Jews pay 20 florins for this permission. Eli is to discuss with the count how long he may stay. |
1618-12-30 | Phol Jew claims 91 florins and grain worth 6 florins, Sannel claims 40 fl., Jägle his brother 21 fl. and grain worth 6 fl., Jecoff Jew 27 fl. |
1619-03-05 | Jegg Jew of Stühlingen sues Cristoff Erensperger of Öschingen for payment. Plaintiff did not accept a horse for payment, but wants money. |
1619-04-19 | Jeggle Jew sues Matheis Halder of Öschingen. |
1619-04-19 | Jeggle Jew sues Cristoff Erensperger. |
1619-04-30 | Jegg Jew of Stühlingen representing Lehman Jew sues Thewis Strosser of Erzingen for payment of 9.5 fl. |
1619-04-30 | Jegg Jew again sues Cristoff Erensperger. |
1619-10-28 | Jegg Jew against Christoff Erensperger. |
1620-09-04 | Jägle, der für 30 Kreuzer Hafer kauft |
1621-01-14 | Bailiff Bernhard Vogler of Höwen and his brother-in-law Böninger claim jewelry from the Jews Jägle and Meierle. |
1621-03-09 | The servant of Jew Jegglin of Stühlingen sues Andereas and Dietterlin Caspar Zimmermann for payment. Dietterin offers wine and asks for delay until autumn when he will pay. |
1621-06-16 | Izig of Hürben, Abraham of Ichenhausen, Jacob and Seckhel of Neuburg are fined 50 florins each for (exchange and fraud?) of coins. The following Jews were fined for (exchange?): Jecoff 20 florins, Meierle 10 florins (which are to be subtracted from a claim of his father), Phol 30 florins, Hörzle 10 florins (these two amounts are to be subtracted from the same claim). Leman and Cost are fined together 30 florins, Jögle and Samuel together 40 florins. |
1623-02-13 | Inserted paper with penalties, including such from Cost Jew, Meyerlin Jew, his son-in-law by the name Schachman, Hirtzlin Jew, Jäcclin Jew the small one (der Klain) and his brother Sandell. |
1623-06-26 | Jägli Jew is fined for verbal injuries. |
1623-11-13 | Andres Buthlin is fined for carrying the wood of Jägle Jew away. |
1624-02-03 | Lemann, Jecoff, Sannel and Meierle are fined for throwing in the windows, breaking the drinking glasses, and other wantonness at the circumcisison of (apparently a son of) Jägli Jew. |
1624-04-15 | Isaac Jew Phol´s son is fined for not appearing at court. Michel Prugger is fined for not appearing at court upon request of Hürzel and Jägle Jews.125 The heirs of Georg Widmer are to pay theirs debts to Hürzel 190 fl. Sannel 400 fl. Jecoff 37 fl. Jägle 40 fl. |
1624-05-04 | Jägle Jew, claim. Hürzel Jew, debt. |
1624-05-06 | Jägle, claim after a horse trade. |
1624-06-10 | Jäglin must take back a sick horse. |
1624-07-15 | The maidservant of Sannel is fined for verbal injuries. Jagli Jew is her warrantor. |
1626-06-15 | Jägle Jude erhält 1 Malter Kernen als Bezahlung für Fastenspeise im Wert von 9 fl. 8 Kreuzer, die er ins Schloß geliefert hat. |
1626-06-15 | Jägle Jude erhält 1 Malter Kernen für 10 fl. 40 Kr. |
1628-01-24 | Mortgages issued by Schachmann, Jeggle, Jecuff. Jacoff sells a garden in Weizen. The Peter Basler creditors sell his real estate for 320 florins. Hirtzl had complained to become the owner before. Jonle Jew buys a field for 32 fl. in behalf of the Jews Sanel and Leman. Judel Jew of Ofteringen claims payment. Hürtzle applies to write some persons (with a list of names) into outlawry (Acht, but in this context, it means a stage of the procedure against a debtor). With an agreement by every one about the method of payment. Leman Jew, same for some debtors who did not pay. Jacoff Jew, same for a series of debtors. Schachman Jew applies to confiscate the property of Caspar Schalch. Judele of Ofteringen applies to write some creditors into outlawry (Acht). Jäggle Jew, horse trade matter. |
1628-02-24 | Veltin Kayser sues the Jewish treasurer (Seckhelmeister) for payment of 27 florins for work on the school. Jecoff and Jäggle Jews do not want to contribute as they have not placed an order and say that those who called plaintiff are to pay. Kayser may file a claim if the Jews are not willing to pay. |
1628-04-13 | Georg Rebmann is to pay Jäggle Jew. |
1628-09-07 | Jacob Ulber is to pay Davidt Jew. Bläsy Stadler is to pay Jäggle Jew for the delivery of cattle. |
1629-01-04 | Agreement between Jäggle Jew and the heirs of his brother Sannel. |
1629-03-08 | Claims by the Jews Schachman, Sannel´s heirs, Jacoff, and Jägle to Caspar Schalck of Weizen. |
1629-04-18 | Mention of Cost, Jacoff, Leman (sale of a house in Eberfingen to David), Jäggle, Meierle (buys a house in an auction), David, Schachman, Meierle of Ofteringen, Judele, Judele Mauschi Sohn, Judele of Ofteringen. |
1629-04-26 | Jäggle Jew is fined for not appearing at court. |
1629-09-05 | With mention of Jäggle. |
1629-11-08 | Agreement between the Haas heirs of Schaffhausen and Jäggle Jew of Stühlingen about mutual claims, which includes such for delivery of silverware. |
1629-11-08 | Jäggle Jew, same. |
1629-11-15 | Jäggle, representing his brother Sannel, sues Jacob Heuss of Lempach. |
1629-11-29 | Jacob Ulbersoll is fined for not observing a decree to the benefit of Jäggle Jew and is to pay within eight days. |
1630-04-17 | With mention of Schachman, Meierle, Leman Jew´s son Leman (sic, probably in error), Schmol of Ofteringen, Leman, Jacoff, Schachmann, Hürtzle, Joseph servant of Sannel´s widow, Jäggle, Jacoff, Schmol. |
1630-05-29 | With mention of Jäggle (loan of 1621), Meierle, Schachman, Joseph the servant of Sannel´s widow, Jacoff. |
1630-07-03 | With mention of Schachman, Meierle, Jäggle, Sannel´s widow. |
1630-10-23 | With mention of Schachman, Meierle, Sannel´s widow, Hürtzle, Jacoff and Jäggle Jews (they claim payment from a common debtor). |
1631-02-12 | With mention of Hürtzle, Sannel´s widow, Leman, Jacoff, Meierle, Jäggle, Judele, Judele of Ofteringen. |
1631-03-12 | With mention of Jacoff, Hürtzle, Schachman, Judele representing Meierle, Jäggle, Leman, Sannel´s widow. |
1631-04-09 | With mention of Judele of Ofteringen, Hürtzle, Meierle, Jacoff, Isaac, Eli, Jäggle, Judele representing Meyerle of Ofteringen, Schachman, Leman, Jecoff. |
1631-09-24 | With mention of Hürtzle, Schachman, Schmol, Isaac, Judele of Ofteringen, Jäggle, Meierle. |
1631-11-18 | With mention of Leman (sells half a small house with a garden), From of Ofteringen (in hehalf of Fahl Jew), Hürtzle, Judele of Ofteringen, Jäggle, Jacoff. |
1631-12-01 | With mention of Jacoff, Judele, Jäckle representing Sannel´s widow, Hürtzle, Schachman, Jäggle. |
1631-12-11 | Mutual account between Andreas Hasenfratz and Jeggle Jew as guardian of Sannel´s widow. |
1632-02-18 | Meierle is sued to pay 6 fl. which originate from his father Jeggle Jew. Meierle responds he has refrained from his father´s estate (sintemalen er sich seines Vaters Erbschaft entschlagen). Two witnesses are being interrogated. |