Identified Man

Tree Jonas ben Salomon, Weyl is mentioned 42 times between 1712 and 1752. He died around 1743. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'R1.1.2.1'. His father was Salomon ben Jacob, Weyl.

Jonas paid protection tax in 1712, and then from 1725 to 1742 continuously. It is possible, that he was living somewhere else in between, while his father continued paying protection tax in Stühlingen.. He was fined six times for minor infractions. It is debatable whether Jonas is the son of Salomon ben Jacob Weyl, or Salomon ben Nathan. But in view of the fact that Jonas received protection only 12 years after the latter, but 24 years after the former, that one appears more plausible. .

1712-01-25Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Sandel Weyl, Leib Gugenheim, Meyer Bickhert, Lemble Weil, Meyer Bloch, Samuel Gugenheimb, Salomon Bloch, Moyses Bloch, Salomon Weyl, Sandels Sohn, Hirtzle Bickhert, Jonas Weyl, Joseph Gugenheim Samuels Sohn, Josel Gugenheim,Lehm Biggert, Menkhle Bloch, Isac Bickhert, Lewel Gugenheim, Veith Gugenheim, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Abrahamb Gugenheim,Daniel Biggert, Davit Vorsinger, Jacob Gugenheimb,Marum Lembles Sohn, Elias Meyer, Jakkele Meyer, Elias Weyl, Isac Bernheim, MoysesWeyl, Menggen Bloch, Judas Weyl
1720-05-16Marum Weyl and Jonas Weyl, creditors.
1724-11-28Jonas, claim.
1725-01-09Jonas Weyl, claim.
1725-02-19Jonas Weyl, penalty for an unjustified claim.
1725-02-19Jonas Weyl 40 Kr. Strafe.
1725-08-14Penalty of Salamon Weyl and his son Jonas (Salmeli also has a daughter).
1725-08-14Salamon Weyl und sein Sohn Jonas 2 fl. Strafe.
1725-12-31Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon weyl, Mayer Bloch Menkens Sohn, Mayer Birkert, Isaak Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Jonas Leibs Sohn, Josel lang Schmulens Sohn, Elias Mayer, Lemle Weyl der Alte, Meyer Weyl Jüdelens Sohn, Menkin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Mayer Bloch der Junge, Josef Sandels Tochtermann, Lehmann Birkert, Marx Mayer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn
1726-01-08Baroch Gugenheimb of Endingen has ceded a claim of 17.06.1718 to Jonas Weyl here.
1726-02-08Salomon Weyl. Jonas Weyl.
1726-03-15An Ostern 1726 von den Juden in Stühlingen je 10 fl., nämlich von Leib, Marum Weyl, Salamon Weyl, Mayer Bloch Menckhins Sohn, Leman Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Mayer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Mayer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Mayers Sohn, Mayer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Marx Mayer (das erste Mal), Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn (desgleichen).
1726-04-12Jonas Weyl represents his father-in-law Baroch Gugenheimb in Endingen.
1726-04-30Jonas Gugenhaim.
1726-10-15Schutz-, Schirm- und Satzgeld der Juden in Stühlingen, 9 fl. an Michaelis von Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckins Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weyl Judelins Sohn, Menckin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn.
1727-03-15Satzgeld von den Juden in Stühlingen, je 10 fl. von Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckens Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isacc Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencken Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1727-08-05Jonas Weyl, penalty.
1728-10-15Satzgeld der Juden, je 9 fl. an Michaelis 1728 von Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Leib, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckes Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isacc Abrahammen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulins Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Marumb Weyl, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1729-01-28Jonas Weyl claims 10 fl. interest.
1729-09-29Protection fee of Jews on St. Michael`s day 1729: Leib Jew. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son. Salomon Weyl Sandel`s son. Meyer Bloch Menchen`s son. Lehmann Bickhert Meyer`s son. Isacc Abraham`s son. Feisel Leib`s son. Jonas Leib`s son. Jossel Lang Schmuli`s son. Elias Meyer Jew. Lemble Weyl the old, but now the son Schmuly. Marx Meyer. Jonas Weyl Salaman`s son. Meyer Weyl Jüdelin`s son at Horheim. Mencke Bloch Meyer`s son. Meyer Bloch the young. Joseph Sandel`s son-in-law.
1730-01-13Jonas Weyl claims 11 fl.
1730-07-07Salomon Weyl claims 80 fl. according to the proceedings of 26.01.1723. He has ceded 50 florins of this as a marriage endowment to his son Jonas Weyl. As Salomon is to endow his other children, he is now claiming payment of the remaining 19 fl.
1730-10-15Satzgelder, je 9 fl. auf Michaelis von Leib, Marum Sandls Sohn, Salamon Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehmann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistl Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker von Donaueschingen, Abrahamb Bloch.
1731-04-23Satzgelder, je 10 fl. an Georgii von Leib, Marum Sandls Sohn, Salamon Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehmann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistl Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn (für zwei Monate), Abrahamb Bloch.
1731-04-29Jonas Weyl.
1731-06-27Jonas Weyl here claims 50 fl.
1733-04-23Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salamon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch, Moysis Weyl Marum Dickers Sohn das erste Mal.
1734-04-23An Georgii 1734 je 10 fl. von Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salamon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulys Sohn, Elias Meyer (nur 2 fl.), Schmuly Weyl Lemble Sohn (ab 01.06.1733), Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn,
1734-10-15Auf Michaelis 1734 je 9 fl. von Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salamon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulys Sohn, Elias Meyer (nur 2 fl.), Schmuly Weyl Lemble Sohn (ab 15.01.1734 laut Dekret vom 09.11.1734!), Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn,
1734-11-06Salomon and Jonas Weyl buy the barn in the Jews´ Lane (Judengasse) for 250 florins after nobody else wanted to file a bid. Finally someone else got it through the right of first emption.
1735-10-15Auf Michaelis 1735 je 9 fl. von Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salamon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulys Sohn, Elias Meyer (2 fl.), Schmuly Weyl Lemble Sohn, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Krumm,
1736-04-23Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Krumm, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salamon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch, Moysis Weyl, Marx Bloch, Marumb Gugenheimb, Lehemann Weyl Dickers Sohn, Jacob Bloch.
1736-06-13Jonas Weyl, mutual account.
1736-10-12Jonas Weyl and Salomon Weyl are interrogated as witnesses.
1737-07-29The Jewish community, represented by Jonas Weyhl Salamons Sohn, Mauschi Weyhl Dickhers Sohn, and Salamon Weyhl Marumben Sohn, call in a mortgage of 1500 florins.
1738-04-23Auf Georgii 1738 je 10 fl. von Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salomon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulins Sohn, Elias Meyer (2 fl.), Schmuly Weyl Lemble Sohn, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung Krumm, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salomon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch, Moysis Weyl, Marx Bloch, Marumb Gugenheimb, Lehemann Weyl Dickers Sohn, Jacob Bloch
1740-01-01Protected Jews in Stühlingen: Marum Weyl Sandl`s son. Salomon Jew Sandl`s son. Lehmann Bickert Meyer`s son. Isaac Abrahamb`s son. Feistel Leib`s son. Jonas Leib`s son. Josef Lang Schmulin`s son. Eleis Meser Jew. Schmuly Weyl Lemle`s son. Marx Meyer. Jonas Weyl Salomon`s son. Meyer Weyl Judelin`s son. Mencke Bloch Meyer`s son. Meyer Bloch the young, crooked. Joseph Sandl`s son-in-law, lives with his son in the Breisgau region. Marum Weyl Dickher (the fat?). Salomon Weyl Marum Sandl`s son. Meyer Gugenheimb Feistel`s son. Abrahamb Bloch. Moysis Weyl. Marx Bloch. Marum Gugenheimb. Lehemann Weyl Dickher`s son. Jacob Bloch. Hewen Bickert Isaac`s son. Salomon Gugenheimb Langen Josel`s son. Isaac Weyl Dicker`s son. Feistel Gugenheimb Joseph`s son.
1740-12-16Claims by an apothecary in Schaffhausen against Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Josel Gugenheim, Marum Gugenheim, Faistel Gugenheim, Meyer Bloch Jung, Samuel Weyl Marum Sohn, Salomon Weyl Older, Jonas Weyl, Hayman Bickert.
1742-05-11Lehemann and Jonas Weyl, horse trade matter.
1743-02-01Jonas Weyl, plaintiff.
1749-03-17Jacob Mayer representing Jonas Weyl, protected Jew in Randegg, sells shoemaker Franz Joseph Mayer here a house in the Jewish Lane, between buyer himself, his stable, and the hay store (Heulege) of Jacob Mayer, with the pertaining Baulege which also borders to buyer, plus a vegetable garden behind the house and another one behind the Jewish School, for 270 fl. which are to be paid by installments of 100, 100 and 70 fl. in 1750, 1751 and 1752. Seller reserves the object as a pawn until it has been entirely paid.
1752-07-03Hans Michel Hofackher senator representing Jonas Weyl in Randegg sells Johann Schwengle a house in the Jewish Corner (Judenwinkel), with all rights and the claim (Ansprache) to a vegetable garden behind the house and the Jewish School, but not including the stable and the Baulege which originate from Jacob Mayer and which the Jew has reserved for himself, for 215 fl.

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