Identified Man

Tree Meir (Meyer), Levi - Unterlauchringen is mentioned 10 times between 1675 and 1697. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'L1'.

Not much is known about Meyer, except that he paid the passage fee for the evicted Jews from Tiengen. There existed probably a family relationship. He is being described as Abraham`s son-in-law - most likely Abraham ben Judah Weyl. .

1675-02-19Mayer und Leheman, beide ledige Juden, haben sich geschlagen und zahlen je 1 lb. Strafe.
1677-03-15Samuel und Mayer, beide zu Unterlauchringen, zahlen je 9 fl. Satzgeld.
1679-03-15Samuel und Mayer, beide in Lauchringen, je 9 fl. Satzgeld.
1680-03-15Samuel und Mayer, beide zu Unterlauchringen, je 9 fl.
1680-12-31Sandel, Mayerlin Menkins Sohn, Jonas, Löw Jonas Sohn, Calmelin, Marum Jekhoffens Sohn, Jacklin Menkins Bruder, Mayer Lehmans Sohn, Seeligmann, Schmulin, Limblin (Seligmanns Tochtermann), Abraham, Model, Isaac Schmulens Sohn, Feussel Lehmanns Sohn, Abraham W., Samuel in Unterlauchringen, Mayer in Unterlauchringen, Hirzel in Eberfingen, David in Eberfingen, Löw Barochs Sohn in Horn, Jäcklin Lehmanns Tochtermann in Horn, Salomon Menkens Tochtermann in Horn, Isak in Entermettingen, Jüdle Weihl Isaks Sohn in Entermettingen, Sandel in Ofteringen, Jonas in Ofteringen, Josef in Ofteringen
1681-01-01(continued) Hürtzel and Davidt both at Eberfingen. Löw Jew Baroch`s son, Jäckhlin Jew Lehmann`s son-in-law, and Salomann Menckhin`s son-in-law, all three at Horheim. Isaac Jew and Judele Weihl Isaac`s son both Jews at Endermettingen. Benedict and Jonas both Jews at Ofteringen. Joseph Jew, also a resident at Ofteringen, has absconded under the cover of darkness soon after Easter 1680. Samuel and Meyer both Jews at Unterlauchringen.
1682-01-19Jacob Aichkörn is to pay his debts to the Jews Meyer and Schmuli Callmelis Sohn.
1683-02-22Jew Meyer claims 22 fl.
1683-10-31Jew Meyer, who has been under protection in Unterlauchringen for some years, and Jew Baroch, who has been in that place since Easter, paid trespassing fees and customs for 12 old and young persons, 3 carts, 2 pieces of cattle, and 3 horses when they were heading for Donaueschingen.
1697-04-07Lembli. Isac. Schmuli. Meyer. Model. Abraham. Jekhoph. At Eberfingen: Hürschel. David. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. Benedict.

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