Identified Man

Tree Judah (Lehman) ben Abraham is mentioned 16 times between 1651 and 1676. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is '1.3.1'. His father was Abraham (From) ben Isac, Bickert.

Lehman seems to be the son of Abraham - Ofteringen. He led the life of a minor money lender and cattle dealer at the margin of the Jewish community. He was shortly under protection from 1660 to 1662, first in Stühlingen, and when he fell in arrears, in Schwerzen. .

1651-01-01Penalties: Lehmann Jew Fromb`s son is fined 1« fl. according to the proceedings of 23.03.1651.
1651-02-16Lehmann Jew Frahm´s son is ordered to pay a claim of Stühlingen community immediately.
1651-03-23Leman Jew From´s son is fined 1.5 fl. for breaking his promise not to go away before he has paid his debt to Stühlingen community.
1651-03-23Lehmann From´s son files a claim to Peter Basler who says it was paid by the conveyance of a field on 21.02.1629.
1652-01-15Marum and Lehmann Jews, claim. Jeckhoff´s heirs claim 780 fl. Claim of Jonas to a warrantor.
1653-04-03Isaac and Lehmann, claim.
1653-04-28and files two claims. One of them is payable to his father Lehmann who owes the community a considerable amount of money.
1661-01-24Lehman Jew of Schwerzen is to pay a small amount.
1662-01-01Protection fee of the Jews: Lehman has moved to Schwerzen on Martinsmas (11.11.) 1659 and still owes 10 fl. protection fee. There are 12 Jewish households in Stühlingen which paid 204 fl. protection fee on Easter 1661. The following paid 17 fl. each on Easter 1662: Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Kalmele Jew. Marum Jew`s sonin-law. Menckhen Jew. Jaggele Jew his brother. Leheman Jew Hirzlin`s son.
1667-03-14Lord (Jr.) Johann Ludwig Bayer claims 180 from Leheman Jew of Schwerzen, but now from his warrantor (Promissor) Marum Jew Jäckhoff´s son in Stühlingen.
1667-04-10Lehemann of Schwerzen, mutual account.
1669-08-08Lehmann Jew of Schwerzen is absolved after a horse trade quarrel.
1670-05-19Lehmann Jew claims 15 fl. for a cow.
1670-12-29Jägglin Jewish servant (or: the servant of Jägglin) and the Jews Lehmann and Seeligmann are fined for riding overland on Christmas day.
1672-04-01Marum Jackhöffen Sohn, Jonas, Menkhe, Jäckhlin den jungen Sohn Seelligmann, Calmelin. Lehman, Sandel, Abraham, From
1676-08-26Agreement between Kalmele Jew on one side and Lehmann and Seeligmann Jews in the other side about the sale of a house and garden.

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