Identified Man

Tree David ben Jacob, Bloch is mentioned 17 times between 1684 and 1717. He died around 1703. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'C2.1.4.1'. His father was Jacob (Jäggele) ben Meir, Bloch.

David, the son of Jacob ben Meir Bloch was a cattle dealer like most other members of his family. He was under protection in Stühlingen from 1687 [R4443; 03.30.1687] to 1703. David ben Jacob Bloch is somewhat difficult to distinguish from David ben Jacob Meyer since family names were used rarely at the time. The distinguishing feature is that David Bloch had his protection at Stühlingen proper, whereas David Meyer was under protection at Horheim. We do not know, whether David died after 1703, or moved somewhere else. .

1684-07-17David Jägglins Sohn is sued to pay for a horse.
1686-10-15Penalties in Stühlingen: Schmuli Callmelins Sohn. Sandels Jew´s son. Hirtzlin´s servant and Jäglin´s son. Davidt Jäglins Sohn, Meyerlin Menckhens Sohn, Jonas unmarried Marums Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn. Jossel Jew, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, and Callmelin. Jäckoff Marums Sohn. Jonas unmarried Marumbs Sohn. Seeligmann´s servant and Callmelin´s boy. Jäglins Sohn, Callmelins Sohn and Marumns Jossel. Schmuhli Callmelins Sohn and Jossel Marumnbs Sohn. Seeligmanns servant, Jossel Marumbs boy, Jäglin´s boy, Callmelin and Hürtzel. Lew. Seeligmanns son B(ar?)uch unmarried. The boys of Isaac and Callmelin Schmuhlins Sohn. Jew Hürtzlen Schwartz. The boys of Schmuhlin Callmelins Sohn, Jossel Marums and Jäglin. The servant of Hürtzlen Schwartz. The boy of Sandel.
1687-03-15Jeweils 18 fl. zahlen Meyerlin Menckhins Sohn, Lew Jonasen Sohn, Calmelin, Schmulin Calmelis Sohn, Alt Marum (ist gestorben, also null), Jeckhoff Marums Sohn, Jekhlin Menckhins Bruder, Davidt erstgemelten Jeglis Sohn, Meyer Lehemans Sohn, Seligman, Schmuli Seligmans Sohn, Schmuli der Große, Lämblin Seligmans Tochtermann, Abraham, Model, Isac Schmulis Sohn, Hürtzle Lehemans Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Mausche Marums Tochtermann.
1687-12-03Penalties in Stühlingen: Schmulin the Old. Jäglin. Isac Schmulins Sohn. Hürtzlen. Mausche Menckhins Sohn. Mayer Menckhins Sohn. Jossel Marums Sohn. Sandel. Model. Laimlin. Seligman. Schmulin Seligmans Sohn. Mahrum Jeckoff. Calmelin. Rabbi Salomon. David Jäglins Sohn. Every one is fined 1 pound for washing his supplies (Vorrat) in the well.
1690-12-22The heirs of Mencke, namely the daughter Sara, David Jegglinďs son, Saloman at Horheim, and Moysy Menckeďs son, distribute a claim.
1694-01-01The following were fined at the annual court session in Stühlingen: Lew, Seeligman, David Jäckhlin`s son, Lew and Marum`s boy, Lew, Isaac, Lew, Isac, Judi school-knocker, Jonas.
1694-04-11Jews at Stühlingen paying protection fee: Jew Marum`s widow (half fee). Jekhoph Marum`s son. Elias Jackhlin`s son. David Jäckhlin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jackhlin Jew. Sandel Weyl Jew. Marum Weyl, for the first time on Easter 1694. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmulin`s son from Michael`s day 9 fl. and from Easter 4 fl. as he is unmarried. Meyer Menckhin`s son. (Added in behind:) Jossel Jew Marum`s son.
1695-01-0122.04/1696 Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jackhlin`s son. David Jackhlin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jackhlin Jew. Sandel Weyl. Marum Weyl. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi Marum`s son-in-law. Jossel Marum`s son. Lemli Jew. Isac Schmulin`s son.
1695-04-03Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jägglin`s son. David Jägglin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jägglin Jew. Sandel. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son. Salomon Sandel`s son-in-law. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi. Jossel. Lemli.
1697-04-07Protection fee at Stühlingen. Elias Jäckhlin`s son. David Jacklin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jäckhlin Jew. Sandel Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckhin`s son. Mauschel. Jossel.
1699-04-19Protection fee paid at Stühlingen. David Jäckhlin`s son. Leib. Jäckhlin. Sandel. Marum Sandel`s son. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son (exempted according to a decree of 28.10.1698).
1700-10-15Jeder schutzverwandte Jude gibt an Michaelis 9 fl., nämlich David Jaklins Sohn, Leib, Jäkhlin (durch Dekret vom 03.10.1700 entlassen, vermutlich im Sinne von nachgelassen), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (ebenfalls null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menkhins Sohn, Mausche,
1700-10-15Weitere 10 fl. waren an Ostern zu bezahlen, und zwar durch David Jäckhlins Sohn, Leib, Alt Jäckhlin (aus Gnaden erlassen), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (ebenfalls erlassen), Joseph Callmelins Sohn (war nicht hier, also null), Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn,
1700-12-31David Jäcklins Sohn, Leib, Jäcklin (befreit), Sandel (befreit), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Marums Sohn,Mayer Menkins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel, Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isak W. befr., Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmanns Sohn, Model, Abraham, Sandels legiger Vetter Feuss genannt, Marum W. befr., Jonas Models Sohn, Hirzel Isaks Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn
1703-10-15Je 9 fl. an Michaelis zahlen aus Stühlingen Leib, Alt Jäkhle (aus Gnaden null), David Jakhlins Sohn, Sandel (aus Gnaden null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (aus Gnaden null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jakhoff Calmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble,
1716-10-15Satzgeld der Juden, je 9 fl. auf Michaelis 1716 in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Jud, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Meyer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Isacc Abrahamen Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (4,5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmule Sohn, Marum Lemblins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Elias Meyer, Israel Meyer, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Daniel Bickert, Jäggle Hirtzels Sohn zu Eberfingen, in Horheim von Davidt Jäckellin Sohn, Menckin Bernheimb, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isacc Bernheimb Beniamin, Menckin Meyer, Meyer Weyl Jüdellin Sohn.
1717-03-15Satzgeld der Juden, je 10 fl. an Ostern 1717 in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Joseph Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn (ist hinweg gezogen, also null), Hirtzel Isac Sohn (ebenmäßig null), Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn (gleichfalls fort und null), Josell Lang Schmule Sohn, Marum Lemblin Sohn (ist ebenmäßig hinweg gezogen, null), Menckin Bloch, Lehemann Bickert, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Daniel Bickert (ist hinweg gezogen, null), Jäckelle Hirtzels Sohn von Eberfingen, von Horheim Davidt Jäggelin Sohn (gleichfalls null), Menckin Bernheimb, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll (null), Jüdelle Weyl, Isac Bernheimb Beniamin Sohn, Menckin Meyer, Meyer Weyl Jüdelin Sohn.

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