Documents in Source

Abstracted from 61/12670: Proceedings of Stühlingen district, 1682-1685.

1682-01-19Marum Jew claims 255 fl. since 1665.
- Abraham Jew claims 6 fl.
- Davidt Jew of Eberfingen is fined for not appearing at court.
- Meyerlin Menckhins Sohn is sued after a horse trade.
- Meyerlin is to pay 24 fl. for a horse.
- Jacob Aichkörn is to pay his debts to the Jews Meyer and Schmuli Callmelis Sohn.
1682-01-26Abraham and Schmuli of Stühlingen are to pay back a credit of 100 fl.
- Callmele says he is unable to pay.
- Davidt of Eberfingen is to pay 20 fl. for a horse.
1682-01-30Sandel Jew sells a small farm for 200 fl.
1682-02-03Jacob Würth of Untereggingen owes Jew Marum 71 fl. He makes a down payment of 50 fl. to Jew Leib Joneles Sohn.
1682-02-17Jew Marum acknowledges payment.
1682-02-23Model Jew of Stühlingen claims 18 fl. for a field.
- Marum claims payment for grain.
- Meyer Pickert Jew in Stühlingen claims 30 fl.
- Claims of Abraham and Seeligmann Jews are sold.
1682-03-02Veit Weill von der Hofwies is sued after a horse trade.
1682-03-03Leu Jew Jonas Sohn claims 20 fl.
- Lehmann, Marum´s servant, and Jäckhoff, the medium (mittlerer) son of Calmele, are fined for brawl on their Sabbath.
1682-03-05Schmuli is willing to pay his debts.
1682-03-11Jew Weil von der Hofwiese, court decision about a horse deal.
1682-04-07Schmuli of Stühlingen, deposited cow.
- Schmuli Calmeles Sohn, cession of a claim.
- Callmele Jew, cession of a claim.
1682-04-13Abraham claims 155 fl.
1682-04-15Isaac Jew Schmuhlis Sohn, horse and bull trade.
- Calmele and Leib, mutual account.
1682-04-16The Jewish schoolmaster insists to have a court decision of 06.03.1681 executed.
1682-04-20Marum, fee for a real estate transaction.
- Isaac Jew Schmuhlins Sohn, same.
1682-05-25Christi Würth is fined 10 pounds for attacking Jew Leb from Endingen on the overland road.
1682-05-26Jew Meyerlin owes partial payment for a horse.
- Abraham Jew claims 100 fl.
1682-05-29Sandel has bought a claim of Calmele.
1682-06-03Jew Löb of Ofteringen, horse and cow trade.
- Jew Sandl claims 60 fl.
1682-06-08Jew Sandl claims 182 fl. from Caspar Stadtler.
- Abraham and Schmuli of Stühlinhgen have failed to pay.
1682-06-15Schmuli says he cannot pay a debt of 131 fl.
1682-06-18Seeligmann (on the margin: Schmuli Seeligmann), agreement about a ceded claim.
1682-09-15Schmuli does not want to pay a debt of his son who has left town.
1682-09-28Schmuhli, horse deal matter.
1682-10-05Veit Weil von der Hofwies, horse trade matter.
1682-10-07Jäckoff the oldest son of Jew Marum claims payment of 8 fl.
- Marum claims 100 fl.
- Afore-mentioned Jäckoff claims 13 fl. for a horse.
1682-10-08Jew Calmeli sues three debtors for payment of 30 fl. which he is to pay as a wedding endowment to his son who is going to move away.
1682-10-14Sändel Jew is to be paid.
1682-11-27Schmuli Calmelis Sohn, horse trade matter.
- Andreas Grieshaber of Unterhallau is fined for taking away a horse of Veit Weil for payment.
- On 06.10.1673, claims were secured by Hirtzel of Öttingen, grandfather-in-law of Jew Marum. Marum says he is not liable for this claim.
1682-12-02Again this matter.
1682-12-18Contribution of the Jewish community for the night guardian and other local services.
- The community complains that there are many more Jews in town than the allowed 13 households. Every head of a household is allowed to house a son or son-in-law. It was found that Calmele is housing his son Schmuli Seeligmann is housing his son Schmuli Schmuli Hertzog is housing his son Isac all without permission of the authority, Hürtzlin Lehenmanns Sohn has settled although his brother is under protection here and all this was done against the law. It is suggested that the current letters-of-protection are declared void and the failing households are to pay 40 Reichstaler penalty, or the Jews are to leave the dominion. Jew Aberham from Ettenheim would also be included.
1683-01-04Jew Schmuli has failed to pay. Calculations include a horse trade of Schmuli´s son.
1683-01-05Marum claims 28 fl.
- The Jews are to contribute to the expenses for the night guardian.
- Calmelin and Seeligmann acknowledge payments.
1683-02-01Veit Weihl auf der Hofwiese, horse trade matter.
1683-02-04Schmulin Jew Calmelin Sohn has led a sick horse to the well against the law.
- Marum´s son Jeckhoff is to be paid.
- Model claims 75 fl.
1683-02-15Marum is sued for payment of 63 fl.
- Sandel claims 100 fl.
1683-02-18Several claims by Jew Marum.
- One considered to fine some Jews 40 Reichstaler for establishing households without permission or leave the country. This refers to Schmuli Calmelins Sohn and Meyerlin Lehemanns Sohn or his brother who have households not included in the letter-of-protection. They are to pay 21 fl. and 27 fl. for protection although they are poor.
- Schmulin Jew Calmelins Sohn, cession of a claim.
- Calmelin, cession of a claim to his son-in-law Jäckhoff Marums Sohn.
1683-02-19Meyer Menckhins Sohn, cow trade matter.
1683-02-22Seeligmann, deposited bull.
- Jew Meyer claims 22 fl.
1683-02-23Jew Marum, two transactions.
- Michel Fischer of Lempach owes 75 fl. to the heirs of Menckhe Jew according to a document of 25.02.1666.
1683-03-04Meyer Pickhert claims payment of 22 fl.
1683-03-09Marum pays 63 fl. for a pledged meadow and is to pay the other 63 fl. soon.
1683-03-11Claims to the estate of Georg Hägelin by Calmeli 102 fl. 56 fl. Abraham 99 fl. Schmulin Calmelins Sohn 51 fl. Menckhens Sohn Moises 12 fl. Marum 5 fl.
1683-03-12Abraham loans out 220 fl.
1683-03-16Schmuli Calmelins Sohn is sued after a horse trade.
1683-04-28Daniel Seeligmanns Sohn, claim.
1683-04-29Mayerlin Lehemanns Sohn, mutual account.
1683-04-30Meyerlin Lehemanns Sohn claims 133 fl. which partially originate from his father-in-law Menckhe.
1683-05-05Seeligmann claims 13 fl.
1683-05-11Those Jews who are moving away from Tiengen, namely Efrem and the two Samuehl Weihl, pay 10 fl. trespassing customs for seven carts of household items, 19 persons and 20 pieces of cattle.
1683-05-14Jew Veit Weihl, now in Ofteringen, is fined 2 fl. for offending (spöttliche) words.
1683-06-04Marum did not observe a decree of 27.11.1682 and is to expect execution.
- Marum sets several claims as security.
- Hans Ambling is fined for offending Jew Jonas of Horheim, and Jonas is fined 5 pounds.
- Jew Salomon is fined 3 pounds.
- The Jews in Horheim promise to pay their shares for the pasture.
1683-06-25Meyer Jew of Oettingen sues all the heirs of Menckhe for payment of 50 fl. as the remaining amount of his inheritance (Erbteil) from his grandfather Meyer, whose property the son Menckhe has taken over. Three years ago, a Jewish Rabbi had decided that the heirs are to pay. Plaintiff says he comes from far and wants to be paid now which is conceded. Meyer Menckhens Sohn thinks he is not obliged to pay for his co-heir Wolff, Menckhen´s son-in-law, who lives abroad, but is ordered to pay because he has bought the share of this Wolff and represents him.
1683-07-01Calmele Jew has concealed that his son Jäckoff lives with him for three weeks with a wife and a child, although he has denied half a year ago to live in this county (Landgrafschaft). Calmele is fined 3 pounds, and his son Jäckoff is to leave town immediately.
1683-07-06Schmuli Jew Seligmännlein´s son, horse trade matter.
1683-07-07The Jewish community owes a capital of 510 fl.
1683-07-08Beat Kürchhofer of Schaffhausen claims 40 fl. from Samuehl 23 fl. from Meyer Bickhart 36 fl. from Isak Bickhart 136 fl. from Hürtzelin who could not appear due to his disease (Leid).
1683-08-12Again the large claim against Marum.
- Veit Weihl Jew, quarrels after a horse trade.
1683-08-18Marum claims 67 fl. after he has been waiting for payment for 14 years.
1683-09-10Kopel of Oettingen, representing his father-in-law Abraham of that town, sues Calmele for paying marriage endowment to his son Jäckoff who has married a daughter of Abraham. (A long and complicated matter). Jäckhoff is allowed to settle in Eberfingen.
1683-10-07Veit Weihl and his brother Marum the Jews here and in Ofteringen are sued for payment of a horse.
- Veit Weihl here ademits another debt.
1683-10-09Veith Weihl here is sued after a horse trade.
1683-10-20Most of the Jews were banished from Tiengen last summer, and only Isac Schwab and his son-in-law Israel Ulman were allowed to remain. All the 12 Jewish households were to pay 20 fl. trespassing and trade license fee (to Stühlingen dominion), which cannot be burdened to just two household, so they are to pay 3 Reichstaler as long as their number will not increase.
- Calmele is fined for verbal injuries.
1683-10-31Jew Meyer, who has been under protection in Unterlauchringen for some years, and Jew Baroch, who has been in that place since Easter, paid trespassing fees and customs for 12 old and young persons, 3 carts, 2 pieces of cattle, and 3 horses when they were heading for Donaueschingen.
1683-11-15Sandel, mutual account.
1683-12-11Veit Weihl von der Hofwies is sued after a horse trade.
1683-12-20David Meyer Jew of Eberfingen, horse and bull trade matter.
- Sändel makes a partial payment in the presence of Veit Weihl.
1684-01-17Seeligmann, mutual account.
- Calmelin, same (two cases and some more claims on the subsequent pages).
1684-01-18Marum claims 43 fl. rest of a house sale.
- David Jew of Eberfingen changed cattle.
1684-01-28Hirtzel owes 75 fl. for merchandize.
- Lämeli of Stühlingen, mutual account.
1684-02-08Jäckoff is to be paid.
1684-02-09Father Maurus of Ofteringen complains about the large number of Jews in this village. With considerations about the sovereignty. Jew Veit is to present himself in Rheinau where he is accused for customs defraud.
- Meyer Bickhert is fined for beverage tax defraud.
1684-02-23Schmuli Bickert, his son Isac, and Joseph Marumbs son are sued for payment.
1684-02-24Jäckle, horse trade quarrel.
1684-04-25Marum and his son Joseph, mutual account.
1684-05-29Ursula Rueff née Preyser in Mauchen conveys her propety, with the following Jewish claims: Marum 18 fl. Lew 10 fl. Calmele 8 fl. Seligmann 6 fl. Meyerlin 13 fl.
1684-05-31Leib has a claim inscribed.
1684-06-05Jew Jäckoff Kalmelis Sohn, brawl (a long matter).
1684-06-07Calmeli has sent a messenger to declare that he quits protection if the authority collects his claims from the peasants and pays him 80 per cent of the amount. This is accepted, and he is to send a list of the claims.
1684-07-11Schmuli Callmelins Sohn is sued after a horse trade.
1684-07-17David Jägglins Sohn is sued to pay for a horse.
1684-08-08Sandl Jew, claim.
1684-09-03Jew Lidtmann, hitherto the Rabbi in Stühlingen, sues Schmulin Calmelins Sohn for the return of a credit of 30 Reichstaler plus interest. Schmulin cannot contradict after Marum, Sandel, Model, Abraham and a foreign Rabbi have confirmed the case.
1684-10-29Jossel alias Joseph Jew Marums Sohn, horse trade matter.
1684-11-10Veit Weihl Jew who has lived in Stühlingen dominion for a while and last in Donaueschingen dominion, is sued for payment of 69, 51, and 64 fl. for horses. His protection in Donaueschingen was recalled and he is on the run. The stables of Jews Jäckle, Joseph Marumbs Sohn, and Judele (a brother of Veit) were inspected and the horses were found. Plaintiffs can get the horses back if they present evidence that they are the owners. The wife of Veit Weil has arrived with a little child last night, heading for Lenglau as he (Veit) had ordered here to go.
1684-11-13Again this matter, with mention of Joseph Marumbs Sohn, Mayrlen Mänckens Sohn, Jäckhlin Menckhens Bruder (brother), and Judele Veits Bruder.
1684-11-17Meyerlin Jew Menckhins Sohn files a claim for his sister Sara who has just married and needs money.
1684-12-01Marum Jew claims payment of 74 fl., with mention of Jäckoff Jew Marums Sohn.
1684-12-05Calmele has bought stolen copper and tin dishes.
1684-12-13Jew Leb (also Leib), quarrel after a horse trade.
1684-12-15Jäckoff claims payment for a horse.
- Meyerlin Menckens Sohn claims payment. With mention of the four Menckhen heirs (no names).
1685-01-09Schmuli Binkert is to pay 32 fl.
1685-01-10Marum Jew claims payment (two cases).
1685-03-02Abraham wants to get a bull trade inscribed.
- Marum, mutual accounts.
- Meyerlin Lämbmans Sohn (sic), mutual account.
- Seeligmann, claim.
1685-03-16Joseph Jew Marums Sohn, mutual account.
1685-03-20Jekhoff Marums Sohn admits a debt of 112 fl.
- Brawl between Joseph Marums Sohn and Jeckhoff Calmelins Sohn.
1685-04-13Schmuli and Isac Bickert are sued for payment, with reference to the proceedings of 08.07.1683.
1685-05-13A claim of Abraham of 60 fl. is acknowledged.
1685-05-28Sandel has taken a field for payment and sold it further.

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