Documents in Source

Abstracted from Geldrechnung Stühlingen 1694/95 (partially undated):

1695-01-01Penalties at Eberfingen: Hürtzel. David (both were often fined).
- Jessel Jew is paid 181, 16, and 100 fl. upon horse trades. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son is paid 66 fl. for same.
- Criminal expenses. Includes wages for the hangman to put several persons on the pillory.
- Jacob Lazarus Jew acted as a messenger to Schaffhausen.
- Jäckhlin sold meat to the court, Lemle sold nails and cloth, soap, silk, and linen. Schmuli Seligman`s son sold a calf. Lew sold veal.
- Jew Lemle sold nails.
- Down payment of 2000 fl. out of 16,652 fl. due to Jew Ambson`s heirs at Ellingen.
- Money collected upon agreement with Jew Ambson`s heirs in Ellingen.
- Marum Weil Sandel`s son changes a horse for another one.
- Penalty of Isac at Stühlingen. Jäckhlin`s son. The boy of Sandel`s son. The boy of Jessel.
- Penalty of Marum Jew at Untereggingen.
- Penalty of Jekhoph Calmelin`s son. Jew Leub. Mausche Meyer. Jew Lew again. Judele Weyl.
- Penalty of Meyer Pikardt here.
- Jew Sandel was granted to collect Jewish trespassing fee for a flat rate of 32 fl.
1695-01-04The boy of Seligman Schmulin. The son of Joseph Callmelin. The son of Jossel Marum. The son of Johnas Marumb. Isac Bickhart. Mausche. Lew. Sandel. His son Marum. Abraham. Schmuli Seligman`s son. Jew Jakhlin`s son. Jossel Jew (twice). Jossel`s boy. Calmelin`s son Joseph (all at Stühlingen on.
1695-04-03Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jägglin`s son. David Jägglin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jägglin Jew. Sandel. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son. Salomon Sandel`s son-in-law. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi. Jossel. Lemli.
- Isaac. Schmuli. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model. Abraham. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel. David. Jakhoph. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. Others: Samuel Jew at Lauchringen. Israel Ulman of Tiengen.

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